Shadow hunter or warlock

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"Okay so I'm gonna perform a series of tests to see-"

"IM NOT A GEUINEA PIG MAGNUS!!" Alec exclaimed.

"Of course not sweet heart, I just need to test a few things." Magnus replied softly.

"Okay okay you're right. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lose my temper." Alec mumbled.

"Right then."

Magnus closed the distance between him and Alec, and pushed him against the wall, his mouth on Alec's. Sparks flew between the two of them, rather literally, as Alec sent blue sparks flying off his body. Magnus pulled back wincing.

"Not to complain or anything," Alec said with a wry grin. "But how was that relevant? And why do you look like you're in pain?"

"Because my dear, when we kissed you sent sparks of energy flying through the air, and more importantly, through me." Magnus replied tersely. "And they don't feel too nice either."

Alec's mouth dropped open.

"What? I thought that was you. I don't - I can't - I'm a shadow hunter, we can't use magic." Alec stammered.

"Just let me test one more thing," Magnus grinned mischievously.

"Wha-" Alec began.

Magnus lunged towards Alec, lithe and cat like, emerald green sparks arcing towards Alec.
Immediately Alec throws his hands up and sent a blue streak of energy which met Magnus's green spark and self destructed, creating a minor explosion and the smell of burnt toast filled the apartment. Alec leapt towards Magnus and tackled him to the ground and pinned him.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" Alec yelled at the warlock beneath him.

Magnus had his poker face on. Not saying anything, he pushed the shadow hunter-who-wasn't-a-shadow hunter off his chest, and stepped back. His face twisted with apprehension as he gazed at the one he loved.

"Alec dear-," Magnus began. Then his face lit up with an idea. "Draw a rune on yourself. Any rune it doesn't matter."

Unquestioning, Alec picked up his stele from the floor and drew a healing rune on his own arm. Right away he could feel the effects, his muscles less sore, his mind more alert.

"Is it working?" Magnus asked?

"Of course." Alec replied, his voice thick with worry. "Why wouldn't it work?"

Magnus shook his head, confusion plain on his face.

"It doesn't make any sense.." He muttered to himself.

"What doesn't make any sense? What is going on? Magnus!" Alec's voice trembled despite his best efforts to keep it steady.

"I'm not sure you are a purebred shadow hunter anymore. My best guess is that you are half-and-half. Half shadow hunter half warlock. Which if you think about it is more like 1/4 demon, 1/4 angel, and 1/2 human so...." Magnus rambled on, half to himself, as Alec just stood there in shock.

"It explains your ability to use magic, and also why runes still affect you. And your beautiful blue cat eyes. Which are a pretty rare warlock mark so who knows what tricks you still have up your sleev-." Magnus stopped short as a though occurred to him.

"I wonder... Does this mean you could be...... Immortal?"

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