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Alec woke up in a room, tied to a chair. He had sweat pants on but no shirt. A chill crept up his spine with his bare back agains the metal chair.

The room was just an empty ordinary room, with a brown carpet, white walls, wooden door, no windows, a couple folding chairs set up. Raised a shadow hunter, Alec analyzed the situation and his surroundings.

He was tied to a chair, knots fairly tight, would probably need to sharp edge to cut them.

Door was oak wood, looked strong, probably reinforced by metal, would need a lot of force to break them down. He could try to use his magic but not really sure how to control it, he had kinda just used instinct before.

He stretched his body as much as he could, and decided nothing really hurt, he was a little sore. His shot shoulder felt okay, so they must have healed him. A white bandage covered his shoulder.

The doors swung open and woman strode in. She had a pinched look on her sharp features, like a hawk. Her brown-turning-grey hair was pulled into a tight bun. She was wearing a white lab coat over black slacks which was a strange appearance.

"Alexander Lightwood?" She had the accent of an English major, very prim and proper.

Alec nodded.

"You have been summoned before the Clave. As you know, you now carry warlock blood in your veins. Similar events to this have happened in the past, but you have special circumstances. You were not born this way, you have runes and magic which should be impossible, and we would like further insight into your predicament. If our mathematical theorems are correct on our assumption, you are most like 1/2 human, 1/4 angel, 1/4 demon-"

As she started explaining mathematical and scientific formulas, Alec listened but didn't really comprehend.

'Maybe it won't be that bad. They might be able to give me some answers about what I really am.' He thought to himself. 'Or they could just torture me.' He thought grimly. 'I vote for the first option.'

"- so I will need a blood sample." She finished and retrieved a large needle and syringe from the pocket of her lab jacket.

Immediately Alec's internal warning went off. Lots of bad black magic could be done with someone's blood. But this is the Clave, he could trust the Clave right? Then again, the Clave did kidnap and shoot him like.. Wait how long had he been out? Hours, days?

He was brought back to the matter at hand, when the woman cleared her throat.

"Who are you?" Alec asked.

"I'm a scientist, very accomplished I might had," the woman declared haughtily. "Now can you please let me get on with the drawing of your blood."

"No, not until you give me some answers. First, what should I call you?"

"You may call me ma'am."

"Alrighty then, very warm and fuzzy, ma'am. How long have I been here?"

"About 6 days."


"You have been drifting in and out of consciousness for the past few days. You appeared mentally and physically drained from your new use of magic and your body's physical changes."

'But 6 days?' Alec thought to himself. 'But what about my family and Magnus? I mean they shouldn't but they probably would have found a way to rescue me by now. Did they forget about me?' Alec worked to keep his breathing even and not panic.

"Ahem. I need to take your blood sample now. And I don't recommend resisting. It won't end well for you."

"I can handle pain." Alec replied.

"Please just let me take a sample." The woman seemed almost annoyed.

Alec just sat quietly. He needed to test them, to see how far he could push them before they push back. He was not going to be an easy prisoner.

Sighing theatrically, the woman reached into her other lab pocket, and retrieved a comically small knife. Alec relaxed, knowing he could handle the butter knife. 'What do they think I am, a wuss?'

Wielding the knife with precision, the woman took off the white bandage from Alec's shoulder revealing his healing wound. Realizing now her intent, Alec braced himself.

The woman lunged towards him and buried the knifes blade into Alec's shoulder, right through the healing tissue.

Alec groaned in anguish as the blade tore through flesh. He bit his lip to keep from making anymore noise as the woman held a bowl beneath the wound to collect the dripping blood.

Dimly, he remembered a lesson when he was younger that said that to reopen a healing wound would do more damage then the original wound because the tears through the healing muscles again, which makes them even weaker. 'Great,' he thought sarcastically.

"You should have just cooperated," the woman mocked Alec.

"Now I know the Clave's true intention with me," Alec replied. "An animal that deserves to be butchered."

"See you tomorrow." She reached over and pulled the knife out of Alec. "I'll just let that bleed for a little so you can think about what you've done."

Blood dripped steadily on Alec's leg, and he began to feel dizzy from blood loss.

Finally, the woman recovered his wound, smiled at him pleasantly and left.

Alec held on for a couple minutes but then succumbed to darkness.

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