Telling the family

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"So what can you do now any cool tricks?" Jace asked curiously.

"I'm not a dog Jace," Alec grumbled back. But secretly he was glad that Jace was joking and teasing like his normal self.

"Who knows maybe you will be helpful in a fight," Jace winked.

Magnus watched the two interact. He loved watching Alec when Alec didn't know he was being watched. His smile was easier and he looked alive and animated. As he looked on, Alec zapped Jace with his blue sparks and then Jace swung a light punch at him. 'Family.' Magnus thought. 'This is what family looks like.' Shaking off the regret and sadness he stepped towards the brothers and cleared his throat.

"Ahem. Boys." Magnus said. "I hate to break up this lovely family meeting, but we might need to head to the institute to visit the rest of the family."

Immediately Alec's guard went back up and his face darkened. Jace stepped forward and raised his hand.

"I'll go ahead and tell everyone else what to expect. So we will be ready for you." Jace proposed.

"Ok sounds good," Magnus agreed. Alec nodded his consent. Jace punched Alec lightly on the shoulder and walked out. As soon as Jace went out the door Alec started pacing and he wore a grim look.

"I can't do this Magnus, Jace accepted me but my parents oh my parents, they already don't accept me for loving you, especially my dad, I can't. What will the clave do? They will give me to the silent brothers to run tests and experiments." Alec moaned and ran his hand through his hair.

Magnus looked shocked for a moment, was this the same person as the one joking with Jace 10 seconds ago? Then he composed himself, and grabbed Alec's arm stopping him from pacing.

"Alec, my blue eyed angel, everything will be fine. I will be there the entire time, I will keep you safe. Nobody will do anything without my say so and they don't want to cross the fabulous High Warlock Of Brooklyn." Magnus smiled at him.

Alec looked at him desperately and kissed him hard. Magnus sat stunned for a moment, then relaxed and returned the kiss. He threaded his hands through Alec's hair and Alec ran his hands down the warlocks smooth chest. They broke apart and Alec smiled.

"Sorry, I needed some courage." Alec apologized, his head down.

"Never apologize for kissing me Alec," Magnus said, lifting Alec's head up. "I usually need it more than you. And probably enjoy it a lot more as well."

Alec's mouth crooked up into a grin and kissed Magnus again softly.

"That I seriously doubt." Alec replied.

"Ok then let's go to the institute." Magnus declared. Sighing, Alec walked over to the door and he and Magnus walked to the institute.

~at the institute~

Standing out side the glamoured doors waiting for them, was Jace.

"Everyone is waiting in the library, Clary, Simon, Izzy, Jocelyn, Mom. We were going to contact the clave after discussing it here." Jace announced. "I've told them as much as I know."

"Okay sounds fine," Magnus answered as Alec seemed incapable of speaking. Jace turned around and walked into the institute. Magnus went to follow him, and Alec grabbed his hand.

"Wha-" Magnus started to say before Alec, completely unashamed, kissed him. Alec pulled the surprised warlock close to him, and just reveled in the moment. 'This is real, this is Magnus, he loves me and I love him,' Alec just kept repeating to himself in his head. They broke apart, breathing heavily.

"What was that for?" Magnus gasped.

"I need your strength now." Alec replied honestly. It gave Magnus chills when he said that, as that was what he had said to Alec that day he almost died on the battle field and Alec had saved him.

"Aku cinta camu." Magnus whispered.

"I love you." Alec replied.

"Hey! Are you gonna come in or just keep making out on the side walk?" Jace teased from the door way.

"We are coming," Alec called. He wrapped his hand around Magnus's and they walked inside together.

They followed Jace around the rooms and long corridors until they reached the great oak doors of the library.

"Here we go," Alec murmured to himself. He felt Magnus squeeze his hand reassuringly.

Jace pushed the doors open and walked into the room of people. Alec hovered in the doorway, uncertain, looking at the faces of his family and friends. What would they think of him?

The first person to speak up, surprisingly enough, was Simon.

"Are you okay?" Simon asked.

"Yeah, yeah I think so." Alec answered slowly.

Izzy stood up and crossed the room to stare at Alec. Her eyes lingered on his new blue cat eyes. Without saying a word, she merely embraced her brother with a hug, and then sat back down.

Clary made eye contact, nodded and smiled at Alec.

The adults sat in a corner together and looked at each other. And then back at Alec. And then back at each other, communicating through some kind of secret code.

"What?" Alec asked aggressively. "Don't just stare at me."

Without a word, Jocelyn stood up and walked cautiously over to Alec. He bristled with indignation as she got closer. Her eyes took in Alec's blue cat eyes, and as she stared, blue sparks began to snap in Alec's closed fist, as he felt threatened. Her eyes widened and she backed up quickly. Magnus put his hand on Alec's shoulder, and Alec instinctively leaned back into the support.

Jocelyn was whispering urgently to Maryse, her hands gesturing for emphasis. Maryse looked at Alec nervously, and then nodded once. She looked so tired and had been through so much, what with Sebastian and losing Max. She stood up and opened her mouth.

"This has never happened before in my knowledge. I have contacted the Clave and it is up to them what will happen to Alec."

At this, Magnus hissed and snaked an arm protectively around Alec's waist. Alec however wasn't going to go down quietly.

"What do you mean 'what will happen' to me? I will stay here, this is where I belong." He stated angrily. "Besides, I'm sure they have more important things to do with Sebastian, then to do anything with me."

"That is up to them not me." Maryse said. "They will send out a representative as soon as possible."

Before the words had even left her mouth, a portal opening shook the entire building.

"Looks like they are here now."

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