New Prisoners

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Magnus listened for the door to shut on the corridor, and to finally be alone, sort of, with Alec. With a resounding metal clang, Magnus, Alec, and Ky were locked in the jail rooms alone.

Magnus scooted over to Alec, who leaned propped up against the corner. He smiled at him, and Alec smiled back, his blue eyes sparkling at the prospect of not being alone anymore. Magnus pulled him in a tight embrace, shielding his watery eyes from Alec's view. Alec moved his arms to return the hug but then winced in pain.

"Oh right, I forgot." Magnus said hurriedly. "What hurts?"

Alec rolled his eyes. "Really, you are asking the abused and malnourished shadow hunter prisoner what hurts?"

"Oops yeah, good point. Just hold still." Magnus said, ducking his head bashfully. He changed softly under his breath, and a light rose tinted light flickered to life in his palm.

"It's pretty." Alec said quietly.

"Yeah just like someone else I know." Magnus grinned cheekily.

"Come on that has to be the cheesiest thing you have said in a while." Alec complained.

"Oh sweet pea, hold still, this might hurt a first." Magnus replied.

He pressed his hand over Alec's heart, pushing the light from his hand into Alec. Alec stiffened at first but then relaxed as the soothing relief swept his injured body. He smiled at Magnus gratefully and pulled the warlock closer.

"Thank you for coming for me." Alec whispered. "I knew you would."

"Alexander, I would do anything for you. You ask and it's yours." Magnus replied, looking deep into the crystal blue depths of Alec's eyes.

Alec slowly leaned toward Magnus, tipping his chin up. Magnus placed his lips on Alec's, and breathed him in, reveling in the moment of finally being back with his love, after being cruelly separated.

Magnus's hands were on Alec, cupping his face between his palms. He tilted his head up and brought his face down, meeting halfway. Soft lips on soft lips, and Alec's eyes fluttered close. He expertly maneuvered, careful of his healing injuries, Alec's body against the concrete wall. Magnus's hands sliding down around the small of his back, pulling Alec closer to him. A symphony of sensations on electrocuting every nerve ending in their bodies.

At last Magnus pulled himself away from Alec, but continued to hold him close. Magnus could feel his heart pounding next to Alec's, and his breathing shallow and fast. He picked his head up and looked deep into Alec's crystal blue eyes, and for once Alec wasn't ashamed or embarrassed, he looked right back and let Magnus stare. Stare at his injuries, and his weakness, but also his strength and bravery.

'Funny how it takes a catastrophe to make me feel secure.' Alec thought to himself.

Then the moment was broken, as a resounding groan echoed through the hallway. Alec pushed Magnus away and scooted closer to the cell door. Magnus feel back against the wall, his feelings hurt.

'One more time, and I swear to the Angel, I will end Ky.' Magnus cursed silently to himself, upon the interruption.

"Ky? Is that you?" Alec called to the cell opposite theirs.

Ky slowly sat up, propping himself against his elbow. He rubbed his head, and blood trickled down out of his unruly mane of hair.

"I think so. It feels like I was just attacked by a silverback gorilla." Ky managed to grin even under the circumstances.

Alec breathed a sigh of relief, his body letting go of some of its tension.

"More like a herd of silverback gorillas," Alec chuckled sadly. "What are you doing here? What is going on?" He asked more urgently.

"Well it's kinda a long story.." Ky said bashfully.

"It doesn't look I have anything better to do, does it?" Alec replied sarcastically.

"Last night, I overheard some of the science techs talking. They were saying something about a Stage 2 of testing. And how they might need to find new employment, since there was a high risk of the patient not surviving whatever they were planning. I couldn't let that happen so I called your family at the institute." Ky said slowly.

Alec turned and looked at Magnus sitting silently in the back of the cell, his body very still.

"If 2 of them portaled nearby, since they couldn't portal into the city because of the barriers, I could sneak them in. Magnus and Jace volunteered and got here probably 2 hours ago. I was to conceal them and lead them to you. That was the plan anyway. I was compromised." Ky shook his head, and more blood dripped onto the floor.

"After I had taken them as far as I would go, I started to go back to my assigned post. On the way, 4 shadow hunters jumped out at me, and beat me to the ground. They were merciless. They used their hands, their feet, daggers, chairs, anything handy. It went on for 10 minutes, them deciding what to use next. What next to inflict pain and cut into my flesh. Until I blacked out. I know them. They are neighbors, friends of the family, people I have grown up with, I knew them, I know them-" Ky's voice broke and he covered his hand with his face.

Alec held very still, a lone tear streaking down his face.

"After that, I woke up with a bag over my head and the next thing I saw was the confrontation between you and them." Ky had turned away from Alec and Magnus, so they couldn't see his face.

"Are you okay?" Alec asked quietly.

"Perfect. Just perfect. Everything on my body is either broken, bleeding, or throbbing, and instead of you being safely hidden away from this terrible place, you are still here and now Magnus is here captured as well. So yes, ALEXANDER," Ky hissed Alec's full name. "I'm okay."

Magnus stiffened at the abusive tone of Ky's voice, and wrapped an arm protectively around Alec. Alec leaned into him, using his strength and stability to keep himself up.

"LIGHTS OUT!" A voice thundered down from down the hall. The lights winked out, and the cells were plunged into darkness. Magnus heard Ky lower himself to the ground, hissing in pain through clenched teeth.

Before he could change his mind, he reached out a long arm through the cell door, reaching across the hall way.

'Its only right to do something in return.' Magnus thought ruefully.

"Ky; stick your arm out of the door and grab mine."

"Why?" Ky asked suspicious.

"I'm gonna heal you genius, now come on." Magnus retorted irritably.

Through the darkness, Magnus felt a hand grasp his, and mumbling quietly Magnus ignited the same rose tinted light in his palm that he used for Alec and transferred the healing qualities to the injured shadow hunter. A small sigh of relief came from the hand's owner, and the 2 withdrew their arms from outside the door.

"Good night everyone." Magnus said quietly to the darkness.

A muffled grunt came from Ky's cell and Alec snuggled closer to Magnus.

'May it all be better by morning.' He thought silently.

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