Saved (The End)

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"Get up." The sentry growled, kicking the metal bars.

The vibrating metal shook through Alec's jaw and woke him from his sleep. Alec stood up

slowly to face the guard. He chased the sleep from his body, shaking his stiff limbs and stretching muscles, sore from weeks on the concrete floor. He looked to the guard's eyes, silently questioning the reason for the early wake up. Alec was very good at that, communicating through his eyes and silence.

"You are wanted in the infirmary." The sentry grunted, rummaging around in his pockets to retrieve handcuffs and a key ring. Alec's face ran through a series of emotions while the guard searched for the right wing. Joy, despair, doubt, panic. There could only be one reason for Alec's presence to be needed in the infirmary.

Ky had woken by now, and was on his feet. He nudged Alec, looking for some sign that Alec was allright. Alec nodded his head, avoiding eye contact. He couldn't believe that mere weeks ago, he thought that maybe Ky was more than Magnus. Granted, he still trusted and liked the guy. He probably would be forever in debt to him, but then again, there were many people Alec could never repay. But put simply, Ky would never be Magnus.

Alec walked in a daze, while the sentry lead him through the same winding hallways to the same white medical rooms that he had been to in his stay with the Clave. His body went on autopilot, managing to coordinate movements when his mind was entirely preoccupied. Worries and doubts and panic crushing any other sensible thought Alec had.

They came to a stop in front of a patient room, appropriately titled Room 007. The automatic door slid open, with a dramatic woosh. In the room, there were 2 occupants.

A still figure clothed in a green dress under dark robes, sat stiffly in a chair. Her long, brown hair swayed softly as her head tilted toward the entrance. Not looking or facing Alec, just listening. Her silhouette was young, maybe 19, though a sober air followed the girl, as if she knew far, far more than her looks betrayed.

A single hospital bed took up space in the center of the room. Plenty of medical equipment, with monitors and hooks lined the walls, but nothing was attached to the bed's occupant. Alec was dimly aware of the doors closing behind him, leaving him, the girl, and the bed in the room. He hesitantly took a step forward, almost tripping over himself in the process. Under normal circumstances, he would have blushed, but the only one to appreciate his blush, wasn't looking. More steps, until his legs had carried him to the bed.

Alec had heard people talk about how seeing someone dying or dead, they didn't recognize them. Among shadow hunters, it was a common topic. The living didn't connect the body to the spirit of the person they loved. Alec decided in that moment, that it was complete bullshit. It was not a body, it was undeniably Magnus. The little details may have been wrong. His Magnus didn't have dark circles under his eyes, or a pale chalky complexion. His Magnus didn't have bruises on his torso or burnt, blistered skin on his forearm. And his Magnus definitely did not have dull, flat, boring hair. While the details were wrong, everything else called Alec to him. The long sender fingers, curled gently inwards. The high arched cheekbones hinting of exotic asian heritage. The long limber limbs, not bulky but quick and lithe. It was these features that identified the body in the bed as his Magnus, and it was this realization that brought Alec to pieces.

He sank to his knees, coming eye level with the hospital bed. He then dropped to the floor, his head dropped between his knees, and his hands clasped together in what might have been mistaken for prayer but was actually just Alec's unconscious need to have his hand held. Not a sound was made. He just shook and shook, and wept silent tears. His magic began to react to his sorrow and desperation. It began to spark and burn, deep in Alec's gut. It hurt, and Alec gladly accepted the pain. Anything to keep him from the oblivion that comes with death. A His mind realized the terrible irony of his obsession with Magnus's immortality, only to live longer than him.

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