A Much-Needed Friend

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The door opened and closed, and the rival shadow hunter roughly pushed Ky into his cell.

"Easy," Ky growled at the roughness and the man backed up, his hand drifting to a holster at his hip.

Ky smirked at the power he had over his captor.

"Do I intimidate you?" Ky teased to the guard through the bars.

"You are where you belong. Locked up." The guard grumbled, his words seeming to carry a second meaning. Ky's face tightened, and he scowled.

The guard turned around, now facing Magnus and Alec's cell. He took out 2 sets of handcuffs and motioned for Magnus to put his hands through the bars. Grudgingly, Magnus and Alec were handcuffed, and the guard unlocked the cell.

Taking each of their arms, he led them down the dimly lit hallway, out into the shadow hunter complex, leaving Ky alone in the block of cells.

Blinking at the sudden light switch, the prisoners slowly stumbled into the bright world, following the man dragging them. Alec was surprised to find them outside, in the connecting town of Idris. People rushed by busily, each preoccupied with their own lives.

But when they began to recognize the new arrivals, they slowed and stopped staring unabashed at the strange site. A warlock in Idris was enough for curiosity, but they had heard of this shadow hunter turned warlock and that was enough to warrant out right staring.

As Magnus watched, Aline flits into the scene, weaving in and out of the crowds of people. He remembered Aline. After Alec had kissed him in front of everyone before the big battle between the Clave and Valentine's army of demons, she had come up to them and thanked them, for giving her the courage to come out as well.

As he watched her, recognition dawned on her pretty face, and she changed course and sidled over to the trio, standing in the sun.

"Alec? Magnus?" Aline calls from across the road. She darts across the street and comes closer. At her call, Alec looked up and smiled warmly at her. He remembered her for the same reason as Magnus. The memories she brought back of the kiss, made him smile and he looked at Magnus. He caught Magnus looking at him and Magnus turned away blushing, but not before Alec had smiled back.

'See, it's not all bad Magnus.' Alec thought to himself. On the other hand, when the guard noticed Aline coming closer, his expression soured at the confrontation and he started to pull away, but Alec braced his legs and stayed still.

"What are you guys doing here?" Aline asked cheerfully but then noticed the handcuffs and her blue eyes widened. "And what have you gotten into this time?" She teased nervously. She just then realized the the people stopping and staring. She turned and glared at them, and deliberately stepped in front of Alec and Magnus to block their view.

The guard tugged insistently on the hand cuffs, jolting Alec and Magnus forward. Aline glared at him too, and Alec smiled inwardly at the Aline's sass. She turned her attention back to Alec, her eyebrow arching up in question.

'Might as well shock her," he thought. As much as his handcuffs allowed, he pushed his hands forward so she could see them clearly. As Aline looked on incredulously, a soft yellow flame ignited in Alec's palms, flickering in the gentle breeze. Aline's eyes widened in disbelief and watched the magic come to life, twisting and turning under Alec's control.

The guard spun around reaching for his weapon, ready for the threat. Quickly, Alec extinguished the flame and put his hands up, not meaning to antagonize the guard. The guard grumbled and pulled the handcuffs forward. Alec and Magnus fell into step behind the guard, but Aline just picked up her pace and walked next to the trio.

"So that's what happens when you two get kinky, huh?" Aline teased, trying to downplay her shock at Alec's magic.
Alec blushed but Magnus said in all seriousness, "You have no idea," with a suggestive wink.

"Well, stay safe." Aline warned, suddenly solemn. "If you need, you have more friends than you know." She added mysteriously.

The guard frowned and Alec looked confused, but Aline broke the silence and reached over and hugged Alec and suddenly her hands drifted a little too far south. Alec stiffened but before he did anything, he felt her slip something into his pants back pocket.

'What a little actress,' Alec thought silently, curiosity burning at the meaning behind Aline's actions.

She backed away and hugged Magnus. She suddenly pulled Magnus closer to her and kissed him, her lips moving fast by Magnus's ear. Alec looked away. He know that Aline wasn't like that, but he still didn't like her kissing Magnus. He didn't like anyone except him kissing Magnus, for that matter. Magnus's face tightened and he gave a small nod. Aline turned and walked away, giving a small wave to the trio, before blending back into the crowd.

Magnus's face was clouded in thought, as was Alec's. The curiosity of what had just happened provoked him.

"Come on." The guard growled grumpily. He pulled the hand cuffs tight, and Magnus winced at the bite of metal on his wrists. Alec stepped a bit closer and held Magnus's handcuffs so they weren't touching his wrists. Magnus nodded gratefully, and Alec soldiered on, completely willing to take some of Magnus's pain and burden.

There might be issues between them, but in the face of a common enemy or threat to each other, there was no question of loyalty. Together, they faced whatever was on the other side of the door they were being led to.

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