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The circle of shadow hunters stood unwaveringly, creating a arena for Jace, Alec, Magnus and the commander and the scientist.
Ky was thrown roughly to the ground, and didn't move. Alec wanted nothing more than to be able to go to him, protect him, and heal him like Ky did for him. He didn't like being in debt to someone in need.

"This could be easy. Just put the warlock down. And back away. No one gets hurt." The commander said slowly.

"Which one?" Magnus asked innocently. His mischievous grin told another story.

"The crossbreed." The woman stated coldly.

Magnus lost his smile at the way the woman spat the word 'crossbreed' like a curse. Jace clenched and unclenched his fists, watching the conversation.

"Now I don't think that would be in Alexander's best interest. You haven't appeared to take very good care of him." Magnus said, emphasizing Alec's name.

The commander opened his mouth but was interrupted before he could say anything.

"Why did you do that to him? What did you do to Ky?" Alec asked. He stood up, leaning on Jace for support.

"He was simply put in his place. He was the one who snuck these criminals in. And he payed harshly for it. I hope it was worth it." The commander replied cruelly. "He seems to have gotten all mixed up in this. It's your fault that he is on the ground injured. If he hadn't come to your aid, he wouldn't be here. And I don't see you rushing to his aid. My, my, my not very loyal after all."

Alec paled and shook his head, unable to look away from Ky's broken body on the ground. Magnus glanced sideways at Alec, his heart breaking a little at Alec's pain.

'Stop it. You can't seriously be jealous of the bleeding guy on the floor.' He thought to himself. Jace nudged him and Magnus snapped back to attention. The commander looked at him expectantly and Magnus realized he had missed a question.

"I'm sorry what?" Magnus asked.

"Pay attention, Downworlder." The woman hissed.

'Man, you are really pissing me off.' Magnus thought to the woman.

"I said, that maybe you could be of use to us," The commander interrupted. "See, it could be helpful if we had your pure warlock blood which also happens to be the blood in his body right?" He asked, motioning to Alec.

"Yes." Magnus replied warily.

"Yes of course, a compare and contrast if you will, mixed versus original, that could work, maybe unveil some answers about the discrepancies we've been seeing in the test subject.." The woman appeared to be talking to herself, mumbling about something.

"Then are we agreed? You and him," the commander motioned to Alec and Magnus. "Will stay, under observation and tests. You must be willingly and compliant and we will go to extreme measures if needed." He warned. "You however," he motioned to Jace. "Will have to leave. You have no purpose or place here."

Jace's face darkened but before he could say anything, Magnus caught his eye and shook his head. Jace tensed his jaw but nodded.

"I will leave peacefully." Jace growled, ironically in the most aggressive tone he could muster. He put an arm around Alec and muttered something to him under his breath. Alec nodded in agreement, his mouth quirking up in a half grin.

Jace stalked through the crowd of guards, hesitating at the doorway, and then turning around.

"You take care of him." He called to Magnus. Magnus nodded and Alec blushed faintly. Jace pushed through the doorway and out of sight.

"Someone pick him up," the commander pointed at Ky's motionless body. "We will escort them back to their cells."

The group marched down the hallway. The commander unlocked 3 separate cells but Magnus protested.

"Let me be with Alec." He demanded. The commander looked at him but decided it wasn't worth the confrontation.

"Not with him though," the man said, tilting his head at Ky. "He stays separate."

Secretly, Magnus didn't mind that he didn't have to share a cell with Ky, but Alec winced.

The foreign shadow hunters pushed Magnus and Alec into one cell and put Ky in a different one across the aisle, so they could still see him.

"I will come for you two later." The scientist woman declared before marching away with the rest of the people, leaving Alec, Magnus and Ky, alone in the jail cells once again.

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