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The rumbling of the portal stopped and everybody in the library exchange nervous glances with each other. Before anyone spoke, the library doors open, and in strides a solemn looking official, dressed in formal suit and tie. But what was more noticeable, was the amount of shadow hunters who came with him. There must have been at least 30 equipped, formidable shadow hunters cramming into the library. Immediately everyone was on their feet.

"What is going on, why do you need to bring so many people?" Jocelyn demands.

"Because we must be sure of your compliance of the demands of the Clave." The officer replied in a monotone voice. Clearing his throat, he looks down at the sheet of paper in his hands and began to read.

"Alexander Lightwood, must report before the Clave in Idris, where a group of esteemed members will decide his fate, after an incident which mixed shadow hunter blood with that of a down-worlder. Alexander will be examined for possible side affects of said incident. The subject will be experimented with to see if he could be of value to the Clave's interests in this time of war. Other individuals relevant to this event will be questioned in suspicion of foul play."

Everyone was quiet for a moment before the silence was broken.

"'Experimented with'? 'Of value to the Clave's interests'? Are you kidding me?" Alec exclaimed.

"As High Warlock Of Brooklyn I forbid you to take Alexander. Besides, right now, I am of more value to you, as a powerful ally, so I don't suggest PISSING ME OFF BY STEALING MY BOYFRIEND!" Magnus voice rose in pitch and volume as his rant continued.

"At this point in time, the Clave is intrigued by Alexander and find him to be of more value than your allegiance, Magnus Bane." The monotone voice had another terrible explanation.

"No, no way in hell you're taking my parabati." Jace spoke. He had come forward, and stood shoulder to shoulder with Alec and Magnus.

"If you will not come willingly, we will use force to make you comply." The official seemed to be only talking to Alec.

"No, it's not right we did nothing wrong, I pose no threat to the Clave." Alec denied.

"If that is your decision," the official nodded sadly and pointed at Alec.

At the cue, the foreign shadow hunters leapt into action. With the odds stacked hopelessly against them, the opposing sides began to fight.

The first to go down were Maryse and Jocelyn as they both were a little rusty on their fighting skills, and it was 5 versus 2. Their hands and feet were tied and they were gagged.

Clary was jumped from behind and brought down. She too was bound and gagged. It took more to bring Izzy down. She dealt vicious blows from her signature whip and at least 4 fighters fell before she was apprehended.

3 hunters had Simon cornered using stars of David's and other holy objects.

It took 9 shadow hunters to subdue Jace, and they held him in a headlock and had to pin him to the floor to keep him from fighting.

Magnus and Alec fought back to back, energy flying between them, leaving unconscious fighters in their wake. But the official had come prepared to handle warlocks. He pulled out some sort of gun and took careful aim.

There was a soft ping and Alec fell to the floor screaming in pain. His left shoulder bled from where the bullet had entered. Almost instantaneously, Magnus let out a cry of pure animal pain and sorrow to match Alec's.

Magnus spun around and dropped to his knees and gathered Alec into his arms. Knowing Alec wasn't one to show pain, he glanced at the gun. It wasn't a type he recognized and realized that Alec no longer could produce magic. 'Thats it, the shrapnel must be absorbing his magic, that's why it's so painful.' Magnus cursed to himself. Magnus wanted to die, hearing the cries of his angel in pain.

He held him close, rocking him gently, but before he could heal Alec, 12 shadow hunters had separated him and Alec, and the official has his anti-magic gun pointed straight at Magnus.

"I didn't want it to end like this," the official said quietly. "It would have been so much easier if he had just come with us. If you attempt to follow us, or to interfere with the Clave's actions, that is treason and there will be dire consequences."

Magnus stared directly at the official, not bothering to look away. It was a standoff of 2 alphas, and they both didn't waver. The officials expression was calm, cool, and collected under the warlocks gaze. Magnus on the other hand, his gold cat eyes flashed and he looked positively malicious as he stared at the official.

Not breaking eye contact, the official motioned to the shadow hunters to bind Alec. Quickly and efficiently, one of the shadow hunters tied Alec's feet and wrists, stuffed a gag in his mouth, and, in an act of cruelty, dug his hand into Alec's wounded shoulder. A sharp cry of pain tore it's way out of Alec's mouth, and Magnus winced.

As the group turned to leave, Magnus raised his voice.

"If he is harmed, physically or mentally, if you hurt him. I don't make threats, I make promises and I promise you that I will find you."

As the Lightwoods looked on, the rooms seemed to darken. The glittery, funny warlock was gone and in his place was an avenging angel or demon, nobody could tell the difference. A scorned being of immense power and he was angry.

"The Clave has lost a powerful ally today, and you tell them that-" Magnus began to chant in an ancient language, his fury heard in every syllable.

"Erochmai. I am coming." Magnus swore, purposely using the same word as Sebastian, to insinuate that, now, he is every bit as dangerous as him.

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