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The lock clicked and the door swung open. Alec sat on the ground, watching the people coming for him. He couldn't stand with out assistance, and after today he didn't think he would be able to stand at all. He glared at them defiantly and stayed on the ground.

"By the Angel -", the leader of the group said. "Someone get him up."

A pair of rough hands and red hair gripped him around the shoulders and dragged him to his feet. Determined not to show weakness, Alec didn't even flinch as his old wounds opened and dripped blood steadily to the ground.

"Walk on everybody." The commanding man said. But Alec found that he couldn't walk after he took one step, couldn't support his own body, and came tumbling down the ground.

The red haired man turned around and stalked toward Alec and reached down to haul him up again, but Alec had had enough and when the red head came close enough, he threw out his hand and sent green lightning arcing towards him. He was grabbed and restrained before he could any more damage. The commander began kicking him in the ribs. Alec gasped as he couldn't get air and began to cough, spit turned pink with blood.


The man whirled around to stare at the owner of the voice. A tall man, probably 21, with dark hair, deep chocolate brown eyes, muscular physique had stepped forward to the front of the pack.

"He can't walk and he can't stand and now you are beating him to ensure he can't do anything else. He is helpless and you are a coward to beat him." He said angrily.

The commander looked straight at the rebel and aimed one last vicious kick to Alec's shoulder, making him cry out in pain, as it was certainly dislocated. At this the rebel jerked his head sideways, as to not watch, clenching and un clenching his fists at Alec's cry.

"He's your responsibility now, Ky." The man grinned evilly. He and the rest of the group walked away leaving Alec and Ky.

Without another word, Ky walked to Alec's side and bent down.

"This is going to hurt, I'm sorry." Ky said as he reached to Alec's dislocated shoulder. With snap, he set the bone back in place, as Alec fought through the pain.

Ky ran his hands over Alec's mangled body. He reached into his jacket and withdrew his stele. Quickly and efficiently, he drew a healing rune on Alec's shoulder. It took affect almost immediately, and Alec's breathing became less labored and his heart slowed down.

He opened his eyes and found himself staring straight into the older mans eyes. Ky looked away quickly and started to wrap Alec's bleeding wounds in white bandages.

"Why did you do that? What do you want?" Alec questioned.

"You know you could just say thanks." Ky answered sarcastically.

"I'm not in a very thankful place right now, if you hadn't noticed." Alec retorted snappily.

"Yeah I did notice. Can I pick you up?"

"I don't think there is any other way of me moving."

Ky's mouth quirked up in a grin at Alec's attempt of a joke, but then his face grew solemn again. He reached his arms around Alec.

Alec felt Ky's strong arms encircle him and gently raise him up. He cradled his broken body and gently walked them back to the cell.

"Wait here." He told Alec. He left and quickly returned with real food. 2 apples and a glass of water. Alec looked at him suspiciously but decided if it was poisoned at least he could die like Snow White. Ky sat down next to him and they sat in silence except for Alec's munching. He kept sneaking glances at the older man, but he didn't give anything away.

"Well thanks." Alec said quietly.

Ky looked startled. "For what?"

"For everything." Alec replied.

The 2 boys held each other's gaze, one healthy and strong, the other weak and broken.

"Well I better be going, I'll try to help again when I can." Ky stood up quickly, blushing.

"Yeah, I'll be here." Alec replied to Ky's retreating back.

'I'm only doing this to have an ally. I don't even like him. I just have to wait for my family, and it will all work out.' Alec thought to himself. 'But still,' he wondered. 'What if?'

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