Ky versus the Commander

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Bright fluorescent lights burned into existence, banishing any and all hope of sleeping any longer. Alec sat up and rubbed his eyes, while Magnus rolled over and tried to cover his.

"Good morning sunshines!" The commander was back. "Did everyone sleep well?" He asked in a cheerful sarcastic tone.

"Fabulous." Ky grumbled from the cell across the hall.

"As a matter of fact, I do believe you are coming with me." The commander commented, pointing at Ky.

Magnus, Alec, and Ky all sat up at that, wide awake. Worried glances were thrown around the room, not really directed at anyone in particular. Magnus and Alec and Ky may not all be best buds, but after what they'd been through, they tended to watch out for each other. Which means not being happy about being separated and who-knows-what happening to one of the trio.

"Where are we going?" Ky asked warily.

"You have some visitors and a couple questions to answer." The older man replied, motioning to one of the accompanying guards to unlock the cell.

Ky winced at the word 'visitors' and hauled himself to his feet, waiting for the cell door to be unlocked.

'Man, I did a great job with that healing spell,' Magnus congratulated himself silently. 'I mean he doesn't even look sore.'

Apparently Magnus wasn't the only one who noticed, and the commander frowned.

"Now I could have sworn that those 4 boys did a better job of beating you up, than how you look right now. I hand picked them. Did you agree with who I sent?" The commander teased menacingly.

Ky winced again which provoked the older man.

"Who was it again? It was your old rivals from initiation wasn't it? But there was one more. I can't remember. Do you?"

Ky stayed silent, his eyes downcast.

"I said, do you?" The man growled.

In a flash, Ky whipped around, grabbing the other man and pinned him to the wall, with his forearm pressed violently against his throat. The commander began to turn red, wheezing from lack of oxygen, his toes frantically trying to find purchase on her ground, as Ky held him higher and higher off the ground.

"Peter. You sent Peter. Did you know that after my parents were killed, that he snuck me into his house. That after I became an orphan, he took me in and told his family that I was now family. That he is the only person I have and when he was ordered to beat me, he couldn't even bare to touch me. He stood on the side and watched me break. That he was the one who peeled me off the ground to bring me to you. That he was the one that told me to hang in there. That's who you sent." Ky's voice grew louder and louder until he was screaming at the man.

Ky held him there for a moment longer, watching him squirm. And then, dropped him unceremoniously to the ground. The commander wheezed and gasped, trying to fill his burning lungs with oxygen.

"I should have left you without air for a little longer, but then I would be in major trouble. So next time, make sure you have some one else do your dirty work like usual. Because you have definitely lost your edge. And I think you were supposed to be taking me some where." Ky said, straight faced, to the struggling man on the ground.

"See you guys later." Ky waved cheekily to Alec and Magnus in the cell next to him.

Magnus chuckled to himself, and Alec waved back weakly.

"Oh for crying out loud." Ky said exasperated because the commander still laid wheezing on the floor. He bent down and hauled the commander to his feet, and supported the struggling man down the hall and out of sight.

Magnus continued chuckling quietly, while Alec looked at him in astonishment.

"It's not funny. Did you hear what he said? What he's been through? Partly because of me?" Alec accused.

Magnus immediately sobered, but a hint of a smile still played on his lips.

"Oh I know, I'm not laughing at that. Did he remind you of someone right there?" Magnus countered quickly.

"No, I don't think so." Alec replied, his eyebrows furrowed in thought.

"Come on seriously? It was staring me in the face the entire time." Magnus asked incredulously.

Again, Alec shook his head.

"Jace." Magnus said, giving away the secret.

"Broken past, taken in by another family, an adopted brother. Loyal as hell, the sassy, sarcastic attitude, completely inappropriate actions." Magnus continued.

As it dawned on Alec, he smiled a little and then laughed along with Magnus.

"You know, I'm beginning to like that guy." Magnus commented quietly.

"Who knows, maybe they'll be friends after this." Alec added.

"Who knows." Magnus sighed and he and Alec sat back together in their cell, more hours of boredom to come.

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