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Magnus stared at the ceiling of his bedroom, laying flat on his back on his bed. For a moment he forgot, and he reached out to the side where Alec always slept but his bed was cold and empty. Tears crowded his eyes, before he rubbed them and sat up, totally unprepared to take on the day. He stood up and stretched before walking stiffly to the bathroom.

He washed his face and looked into the mirror. He was almost frightened by what he saw. His face was sunken and thin, pale without glitter or makeup. He was a ghost of himself.

The pain in his shoulder had returned, like a knife to a new wound. He had decided that he couldn't wait any longer and would go down to the institute to get in contact with the Clave. He knew that the recurring pain could only mean Alec was in pain.

He put on black pants and one of Alec's plain black shirts. He looked in the mirror again and decided that he looked like he was going to a funeral. Black was so not for him but right now he couldn't even care.

He didn't even bother to portal he just walked slowly down the busy sidewalk. When he arrived at the Institute he just stared. It felt wrong and cold to be there without Alec. He trudged up and banged the heavy door knocker. Immediately the door swung open and Jace stood in the open doorway.

"Man you look even worse than me." Jace chuckled sadly.

'He was right,' Magnus thought. 'Impressive.' For Jace looked lean and hungry, with dark circles under his eyes, and his hair was messy and tangled.

"Anyway, come on in." Jace motioned Magnus into the institute.

Magnus followed slowly, running his fingers over the wall.

"Could you just give me a moment?" He asked Jace.

"Sure. Everyone is in the library." Jace replied as he walked away.

Magnus stood for a moment and just closed his eyes. His heart ached to be in the institute with its constant reminders of Alec.

He turned and went up the stairs and down the corridor until he stopped at a door. He slowly turned the door knob and stepped into the dark room, shutting the door behind him. He reached to the wall and switched on the lights.

Alec's room was neat and tidy, everything in its proper place. His bed was made, his clothes were folded in their drawers. His bow was oiled and the arrows propped next to it, and his long swords were neatly placed beside them. Everything was in its place except the room was missing one thing.


Magnus sat on the bed and put his head in his hands. His silent sobs shook his body. He already has so little time with his love and now they had been separated for far too long.

His misery changed to anger, anger at the Clave, anger at himself for not protecting Alec. He raised his head and his golden eyes had darkened in rage and he stood up. He threw the door open and stalked to the library.

Arriving at the library he stood in the doorway. The Lightwood family saw him and stood up. They all looked to him for guidance, or a plan.

"We are taking Alec back. 2 days." Was all that he said.

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