Chapter Fifteen: Gone

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After Dark Link lost Link and Zelda as they entered Faron Woods, he planned to cut them off by the spring of the Light Spirit, Ordona.
It would be about dawn before he reached the spring, there he waited in the shadows for the Hero and the Princess.

Link led Zelda out of Faron Woods into the Spring of Ordona. It was dawn, although you couldn't tell because of the darkness that blanked Hyrule.

"It's beautiful," Zelda said in awe.

Link remembered that Zelda had never been to the Ordona Providence. He smiled, "Yes, it is." They started to walk out of the spring, when Dark Link decided to show himself.

"Where do you think you're going?" He called out.

Link and Zelda quickly turned around to see Dark Link behind them, examining them with his glowing red eyes.

"To kill you, that's exactly where we're going. But you just made my job easier", Link pulled out the Master Sword. Dark Link laughed, "That's adorable! You really think you could kill me that easily, think again. It's like battling yourself, because really, it is. Let's just do this the easy way and free my fiance," He gestured towards Zelda.

"Over my dead body," Link growled and gripped his sword tighter.

Zelda put her hand on Link's arm, "Link, he's just trying to bait you."

"Well, it's working," With that Link charged towards Dark Link, who pulled out his sword. He dodged Link's first blow, but couldn't escape the second one, which grazed his right cheek. Dark Link held a hand to his cheek, "Alright, have it your way."

He kicked Link in the side, who fell back in the water. Dark Link started to walk towards Zelda but tripped, he looked down to see Link holding onto his ankle. Link stood and doubled over, turning into the Blue Eyed Beast. In wolf form, Link would be much quicker.

He charged Dark Link and knocked him back down in the water. Dark Link quickly got up and pulled out his bow, and an arrow tipped with a sleeping potion. He let go of the arrow, and it hit Link in his left arm. Link was still able to turn back into his human form and told Zelda to run, before he fell unconscious.

Zelda started to run out of the spring, but Dark Link followed, after his minions appeared and started to drag a sleeping Link back to Hyrule Castle.

She was fast, but not fast enough. Dark Link quickly gained on her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back, "Why are you running from me, Sweetheart?"

"Don't ever call me Sweetheart," Zelda growled and tried to pull out of his strong grip. But it was futile, the facts started to settle in.

Dark Link smiled a cruel smile, "I think it's about to get you home, Zelda". Their surroundings started to melt into the throne room of Hyrule Castle.

Zelda finally pulled herself from his grip, "What are you going to do with Link?"

"Most likely kill him", Dark Link smiled. "We can't have the kidnapper of my betrothed still alive. But don't worry, he'll die a long, painful death."

Zelda held back tears in her eyes, but managed to say, "Please. I'll do anything, just let him go."

"Anything as in you will marry me willingly? Because when I first proposed to you, you'd always tell me you hated me," Dark Link questioned.

Zelda nodded her head, "If that's what will save Link. Do we have a deal?"


"Just so you know I still hate you."

Dark Link smirked, "We'll see about that. GAURD!!"

In response a dark beast came to attention, "You called?"

"Take her to her room," Dark Link ordered. The beast started to lead Zelda out of the throne room, up a large flight of stairs. After many flights of stairs, they finally made it to a large door. The dark beast opened the door and ushered Zelda inside. Once she was inside he slammed the door, leaving her alone in a large, cold, and lonely room.

Link woke up on the cold stone floor. Quickly he sat up, his amnesia of what toke place before he passed out started to fade away, leaving memories of a terrorized Zelda. And him. If he ever saw Dark again he'd give him a piece his mind.

He started to take in his surroundings, he sat in the middle of a small cell with stone walls, and one wall made of iron bars. Link placed his hands on the iron bars. Then a tsunami of questions crashed through his brain: Where was Zelda? Was she okay? Did Dark Link catch her?

He shaked is head, trying to clear his thoughts.

"If you're wondering about Zelda, she safe in her room."

Link lifted his head to see a pair of red eyes staring back at him. "Shes not safe. Not from you anyways, " Link growled.

Dark Link chuckled, "It's such a shame that you won't live long enough to see our wedding. Even when she has bargained with me for you to still be breathing. But unfortunately, I'm not a man of my word."

"What did she offer you," Link looked at him.

Dark Link examined his hand, "She basically said she'd marry me willingly, without any objections from her."

"Who do you think you are?!", Link bellowed.

"The soon to be King of Hyrule."

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