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--RFA Party--

After passionately kissing you in the lips, Yoosung looks at you with hearts in his eyes. His smile as sweet as marshmallow and candy.

"You look so beautiful, more than I imagined." He carefully caress your face as if you're his prized possession. Well, you are.

You blush rapidly at the sight of him making such a tender and loving expression, an expression that can only be showed when he looks at you.

"Your eyes are beautiful. Did God plant the stars in your eyes? Because they're twinkling. Hehe..." He chuckles at his cringe worthy compliment.

"You know, I've been wondering where I should kiss you first when I meet you. Ah...That still sounds inappropriate..." He blushes slightly.

"You can kiss me anywhere you want." You whisper in his ears sensually, teasing him.

"Eh...Ehhhh?!" His exclaims while his face boils red as you cover your face due to the embarrassment of your words.

The members for afar looks at the two of you with questioning faces because of Yoosung's shocking exclamation.

You two flush red because of embarrassment and nervousness, not knowing what to say.

"Anyways, you must have not eaten, am I right?" He grabs your wrist gently.

"Not yet, I was waiting for you..." You pause for a second, hesitating whether if you should call him 'honey'. "...honey..." But you said it anyways, shyly.

"H-Honey?!'re making me smile. Why can't I stop smiling? You're so bad, I wanted to call you 'honey' first. Hmph." He smiles while whining. "Let's go eat, honey." He pulls you to a table to sit. Being a gentleman, he pulls the chair for you and seats you comfortably

"I'll go get you something to eat. Wait for me okay?" He winks and walks off happily.

You rubs your palms while blushing.

"Nervous?" Jumin sits beside you with a wine glass.

You nod while your face betrays you by smiling shyly.

"I'm so jealous that you have a partner, and he isn't me." Zen whines while sitting down next to you.

"Mr.Han, Zen, please do not pressure her. What will Yoosung do if he sees this?" Jaehee says as she looks at you sitting in between Zen and Jumin.

"We'll find out when he comes back." Jumin says while he looks at Yoosung holding two plates of food walking towards here from a distance.

Jaehee sighs at Jumin.

Yoosung frowns at the sight of two men sitting beside his girlfriend.

"Zen, Jumin...what are you doing to her?" He places a plate of food in front of you while glaring at both of them.

"Where am I supposed to sit?" Yoosung frowns.

"You can sit opposite to her." Jumin says calmly while Zen laughs under his breath.

"That's too far, you do know this is a round table right?" Yoosung scowls.

"We just wanted to get to know her more, nothing wrong with that? Right?" Zen leans closer to you.

"Don't you think both of you are sitting way too close to her? She looks uncomfortable." Yoosung crosses him arms.

You look at the space between your chair and theirs. Both of their chairs are basically right next to yours, no space in between. Even worse, they're far too close to you, if you move a little, you'll be leaning onto them. You sweat a little inside.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Jumin looks at you.

You look down at your dress, keeping yourself silent.

"I'll take that as a no." Jumin takes a sip from his glass of wine.

"Please stop teasing her." Jaehee says while adjusting her glasses.

"Yeah!!" Yoosung nods.

"At least leave more space for me..." You managed to squeeze the words out of your mouth.

"Fine." Zen and Jumin say at the same time while standing up.

"I'll go check on V." Jumin walks away.

"I'll go and find Seven, he seems lifeless today." Zen walks away too.

"I have to tend to some business regarding some guests. Please enjoy yourselves, two of you." Jaehee leaves, leaving the two of you alone again.

"How could they do that to you! Hmph." Yoosung shifts his plate next to yours and sits next to you. "Did they do anything else to you? Please tell me you only have eyes for me." Yoosung stares at you.

"No, they didn't. I'm happy you're back." You smile softly.

"After this party, let's go on a date!" Yoosung smiles along.

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