Flowers & Chocolates

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You hold hands with Yoosung while walking along the beach. The cool waves splashes on your bare feet and of course, Yoosung's feet too. Both of you were laughing happily while enjoying the sunset, your fingers interlocked with his, you feel his warmth flowing through your body. As the sun sets, Yoosung looks at you softly, leaning closer...and closer...closer...

You open your eyes as your alarm rings loudly, breaking you away from your beautiful dream. You pout as you disable the alarm unhappily. You think about your dream and hug your blanket tightly while looking at your phone.

"I wonder if he's awake..." You hesitate to call him.

As you were hesitating whether to call, your phone screen lights up, showing a familiar name on the screen along with a picture of a person with blond hair and soft violet eyes.

Yoosung is calling.

You excitedly press the button to answer. Smiling like a fool.

"Good morning, my love! Did you have a good dream~?" Yoosung's gentle voice greets you happily.

"Mmhmm~I dreamt about you!" You reply happily.

"Ahh~You seem happy to hear my voice in the morning. I'm happy to hear your voice too~Hehe." He laughs softly.

"Oh? You just said you had a dream about me? Me too! Does this mean we're destined to be together even in our dreams? What did you dream about?" He waits for your reply.

"We were at the beach and we were about to...about" The word 'kiss' came out really softly, too soft. You blush.

"Kiss? AHHHhhhh, that's too bad! Your lips would have been so soft~" He says as he makes kissing sounds.

You flush red while gripping your blanket tightly, but on the inside, you're delighted.

"Oh, have you eaten?" He asks.

"No, I just woke up." You answer obediently.

"Oh really? My timing is so good! Haha. Make sure to eat your breakfast. I'm going to go to school. I'll call you later, okay?"

"Okay. good luck in school. I love you." You nod even if you know he won't see it.

"I will. I love you too, my dear. Muah~" He hangs up after the kiss.

You jump out of bed happily and start to prepare for your day.


You throw yourself on your bed after taking a bath. It's been a long day. All you could think of all day was Yoosung so you decide to call him.

Yoosung picks up your call. "Oh? I was just about to call you. Where are you right now?"

Before you could answer, Yoosung talks again. "Could you come out now? I want to meet you~"

"It's still early before night time comes, I'll meet you at the garden near 73 building. I hope it's not too far for you....Then, I'll see you there~"

Yoosung hangs up.

"Why is he being so mysterious?" Your head is filled with questions.

You put on some casual clothes and proceed to rent a taxi to go to the destination.

--Garden near 73 building--

You get off the taxi and enter the garden. Feeling nervous, you look around to find Yoosung but to no avail.

"Honey~~" Yoosung calls you gently from behind.

You turn back to find him holding a bouquet of flowers and a box.

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