Let's Go Grocery Shopping!

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It's been days since you moved in with Yoosung, you still remember that day like it was yesterday. He came over to carry all the things you needed, you didn't have to even lift a finger but you insisted that you can carry it yourself. In the end, Yoosung reached out his hand and said: "Here, you can hold onto this, then it'll be like you're carrying the things." 

His smile was as bright as the sunlight.

You knew it was different but you blushed as you held his big hand. It was warm, perfect for a Spring cold day.

"See? It's the same, isn't it?" He smiled.

You knew it wasn't but you nodded anyway.

"Let's go!" He said while looking at how red your face was. "Cute." He winked.

It was really a day to remember huh? 

He's still buried in his assignments and exam preparations but he wouldn't miss the chance to eat with you. 

Everyday, he comes back looking tired as you greet him by the door but he will always bring back a stalk of rose.. "Darling~" He plops himself onto you like a squishy blob, hugging you tightly while whining. And then the both of you would eat dinner together and play with the kitten for a while. You've been cooking for him instead of eating outside because you felt that he has the need for proper nutrients since his exams are coming.

"Darling?" He waves his hand in front of your face, snapping you out of the flashback.

"Yes?" you smile.

"Let's go grocery shopping!" He says excitedly.

"Don't you still have things to do?"

"I don't want to do them now. I want to spend time with you." He adjusts his glasses while smiling

You blush as he drags you out the apartment.

"What should we get?" He says excitedly while pushing the trolley.

"Onions." You say it because you know he doesn't like onions.

He frowns. "Noooo." He whines.

"Try them, they're not that bad." You put a bag of white onions into the trolley.

"I will, as long as it's your cooking." He pouts.

He's adorable.

"Do you want to have beef?" He holds up a pack of 'fresh' beef.

"Hmm...Are you going to cook it for me~?" 

"Then let's have steak." He picks up some sirloin. "They're having a sale on this, that's great!"

"Just thinking about it makes my mouth water."

"I know right!" He smiles. 

The both of you continue down the aisles, where all the food and drink samples are.

"This one is good." He takes a bite of the tteokbokki.

"Try it, say ahhh..." He feeds you the food sample.

"Oh my God, that's amazing." Your eyes widen while chewing.

"We should get it, it'll be so good with ramen." He picks up a pack of it.

"Have you tried that extremely spicy ramen that's popular right now?" You pull the edge of his sleeve.

"No, why?"

"Here, try it." You hand him a small cup of ramen you took from another food sample promoter.

"It's burning red..." He gulps.

After having a bite, he looks normal. That's disappointing.

"It's good...I don't get why——" He pauses. "Ahh...It's burns!"

"Ha ha ha!" You laugh while handing him a cup of yogurt. "For a second there I thought you had high tolerance for spiciness."   

"Ough, it hurts." He fans his mouth, his face red.

It was just a few strands of noodles.

"It's not fair that I'm the only one suffering." He goes and comes back with another cup for you.

"Yoosung..." You back up a little as he approaches with an evil grin.

"Here." He hands it to you. "Try it."

"It can't be that bad." You thought as you put it into your mouth.

It is surprisingly tasty but when the spiciness kicks in, you feel the crave for water and your tongue hurts.

You pretend to be calm.

"Don't pretend, I can see your face changing." He laughs.

"I'm sorry." He hands you two cups of yogurt and you gulp it down.

"It still burns." You hug him while talking with a voice that makes you sound like an injured puppy.

"Aww, I'm sorry." He pats your head gently.

After a while of walking around and putting more stuff into the trolley, it's time to cash out.

"We should get more cat food." You say.

"You're right." He nods and the both of you head to the pet food aisle.

"We should come up with a name for her." Yoosung says as he scans the cat food tins.

"Let's do it with her, see if she likes the name."

"Yes, we should." He nods while putting the cat food into the trolley.

After cashing out, Yoosung carries the groceries with one hand while holding your hand with his other hand.

"I want to carry some..." You look at the bags. They look kind of heavy.

"Here." He hands you the plastic bag with a loaf of bread.

"..." You look at him, scowling. "It doesn't help with your load..."

"It does. I feel so powerful right now. Knowing that you want to help, makes me feel stronger." He smiles. "Now, let's go home."

You nod and kiss him on the cheek. "You're amazing."

He blushes for a while and then kisses you back, on the lips. "Now I feel like I can carry you home too." He smiles.

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