Live with Me

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It's been days since you last seen Yoosung, actually just three days since you last seen him. He's currently buried in his assignments again. Besides that, his exam is coming soon so he's busy studying as well.

"Ah, why is everything so hard?" He whines on the other side of the phone.

"Maybe you should've paid more attention in class since the beginning."

"I'm working very hard right now just for you, you should praise me instead of lecturing me like my professor."

"I'm sorry haha. Good job my darling, you worked so hard~I would hug you right now if you were in front of me~" You cheer for him over the phone.

"Ohhhh!!! I wanna hug you too! I'll work harder! Now that I have your praise, I will become the first in class! Or even in school! Just you wait~!"

"I'm sure you will...but don't stress yourself too much, okay?"

"You're such an angel!! I miss you so much! I want to run to you right now!" He sobs.

"I miss you too..." You sob along.

"I miss seeing you sleeping soundly on my bed. Did you know that you look so cute when you're asleep? My heart melts every time I think about it."

"Are you saying that I'm not cute when I'm awake?" You manage to get the words out while blushing.

"No!!! I didn't mean that! You're cute when you're awake too! You're the cutest person I've ever met!" He explains hurriedly while you're laughing like a villain on the inside.

"I love you." You say it out of the blue.

"I love you too." You can feel him smiling while he replies.

"How about you move into my home? I know it's sudden but ever since you went home, I feel so lonely. I miss you sleeping on my bed, I miss you cooking in the kitchen and the moments we ate together. Without your presence, I feel so lonely."

"Uhmmm...." You go speechless at his sudden suggestion.

It's not that you aren't happy that he asked, it's just that it was so sudden, it caught you off guard.

"It's must be really sudden for me to ask you that question...sorry." He sounds disappointed.



"Let's live together." You smile while picturing both of you eating together, playing LoLoL, having steamy se—uhm, I mean cooking together, cough cough, yeah, cooking together.

"Really?" You hear him falling off his chair.

"For real?! You're not joking are you?" Now you hear him scrambling to get up.

"I'm not~ I'd be happy to live with you." Yeah you do.

"I want to hug you so bad..." His voice melts.

"Can we meet? I want to see you, it's been so long since I saw you." It's only been three days.

"Sure!" You reply excitedly. "When do you want to meet?"

" about 3 p.m. at Coffee Bey later? You know, the one close to my university."

"Yeah, sounds good. I can't wait to see you!"

"Me too~" He replies sweetly. "Oh, I'll have to finish off my assignments if I want to see you...I want to talk to you more though..."

"We'll see each other soon! Fighting!" You try to cheer him up.

"Oh!! Your words are giving me power! I'll work hard!!" He exaggerates.

You laugh at how energized he is after hearing you cheer for him. Girlfriend powers, am I right?

"You should go and finish off your assignments~"

"Right...I should go. See you later! I love you~"

"I love you too~ Muah." You reply.

"Then I'll get going! Muah~" He hangs up after the kiss.

You roll around your bed thinking about what you should bring to his home since you're going to move there.

Mystic Messenger Fanfiction [Forever & Always Be Mine]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu