Silent Night

146 12 0

Before you go to sleep, you open the app to check for messages.

While you were at the café, Jumin, Jaehee, Zen, Seven and V were in the chatroom.


Jaehee Kang : This party was a success. Even though it was planned in such a short time, many guests showed up.

Jumin Han : We got many sponsorships, a great advantage to carry on more cat projects. Assistant Kang, make sure to record down the potential sponsors.

Jaehee Kang : Yes, Mr. Han. ;;;

Jumin Han : Also, the success of this party is all thanks to the party coordinator.

Jaehee Kang : I agree, without her, we wouldn't have had such a successful party planned in a short time.

ZEN has entered the chatroom

Jaehee Kang : Hello, Zen.

ZEN : Hey, Jaehee.

Jumin Han : Do I not get a greeting?

ZEN : Oh, I see she's not in the chatroom.

Jumin Han : Did you just ignore me?

Jaehee Kang : I think she is at the café near the party venue.

ZEN : With Yoosung?

Jumin Han : Obviously. They just met.

ZEN : Can't believe Yoosung gets a girlfriend earlier than me.

         : *Facing wall emoji*

Jaehee Kang : Never thought a game addict like Yoosung would get a girlfriend so fast....

                            : He must be so happy.

ZEN : He is, can't you see how excited and happy he is when he saw her. Geez.

          : I guess my good looks aren't enough to attract her.

          : *Tear emoji*

Jumin Han : Quit whining.

707 has entered the chatroom

ZEN : Shut up, trust fund kid.

          : *Angry emoji*

707 : *Hello emoji*

         : The party was fun. Good thing Yoosung was okay.

ZEN : Seven, why were you so quiet lately? It's not like you.

          : Did something happen?

707 : Nothing. Just that there was too much work to handle.


          : *Tear emoji*

Jaehee Kang : Mr. Han, you have a meeting in an hour, please get ready.

Jumin Han : I took the day off, you can go by yourself.

Jaehee Kang : *Speechless emoji*

                           : Please, this meeting is important.

Jumin Han : Go by yourself.

ZEN : If she was here, she would've told you not to be so rigid and help Jaehee.

707 : lolololololol

         : Poor Jumin, being lectured.

Jumin Han : Fine. If she says so. Besides, I do not want to seem like the impudent one, unlike some guy who talks disrespectfully to his elders.

ZEN : Who are you calling disrespectful?!

         : *Angry emoji*

Jumin Han : Assistant Kang, I'll meet you in 50 minutes.

Jaehee Kang : Yes, Mr. Han.

                            : Thank you, Zen.

                            : Well then, I'll get going.

Jumin Han has left the chatroom

Jaehee Kang has left the chatroom

707 : It's just you and me, Zen.

ZEN : Ew, don't talk like we're going to do something.

707 : Don't be like that lolol.

        : Let's bond with each other~~~

ZEN : No. That's disgusting.

         : I'm going to practice my lines.

707 : T_T so mean

V has entered the chatroom

ZEN : Oh, V.

V : Hi, Hyun.

   : Hi, Luciel.

707 : Heyyyyyyyyy

V : Luciel, I have something to discuss with you. Call me.

   : Since she's not here, I'm come into the chat later to thank her for the successful party.

V has left the chatroom

ZEN : That was fast...

707 : More work...T_T

        : *Tear emoji*

        : I'll get going.

        : Bye, Zen.

ZEN : Bye.

707 has left the chatroom

ZEN has left the chatroom


You enter the chatroom to find no one present at the moment.

You write a few messages and left the chatroom.


Thank you everyone for the opportunity ^^

I would be happy to help and host more parties in the future!

I am very happy today. Thank you everyone!!


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