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This incident(The badmouthing) actually happened to me and I thought it'd be a good inspiration ^^ Plus, I can vent it somewhere instead of bottling it up. You could share your problems with me if you want to, I'd be happy to listen! 



"What's wrong?" Yoosung asks as he greets you by the door.

You looked gloomy, something happened.

"Alright, alright, before you say anything. Go and take a bath. I'll prepare food and we'll talk about it, okay?" He pats you on head and pushes you towards the bathroom.

After a fresh bath, you walk out to the dining room, feeling much better. Yoosung has already made kimchi fried rice and was waiting for you.

You sit down quietly, thinking about what happened today.

"So, do you want to tell me what happened?" 

"There was one time where my class was taking solo shots for graduation, I didn't know what pose I should do so I poked my cheeks with two fingers and smiled with my eyes closed. I felt awkward and was really unconfident with my looks, I was also very conscious with other's opinion about me."

"Mmhmm." He nods.

"Today, we were taking class photos for the school magazine, I heard someone talking about me...I turned around to find my good friend, Teresa, mocking me. Laughing at how stupid my pose was and the rest were very unclear. Before this, she started ignoring me out of the blue but to see that she was talking bad about me behind my back hurts, a lot..." Tears dribbled down as you speak.

"Oh...don't cry," He wipes off your tears for you. "Is she usually like this?"

"Last year, she started ignoring my other friend and badmouthed her a lot...she influenced several of my friends to hate on her too. It's horrifying...and now it's happening to me..."

"Did you do something wrong?"

"I asked her and she was annoyed, she says I did nothing wrong. It didn't sound convincing."

"Wow...she's toxic. I'm sure she's not the only friend you have, right? When there's no reason to stay, it's time to go." He pats you on the head.

"But we were such good friends..." You sob.

"She might not think that way of's okay. Things happen and people move on." He hugs you. "You're the nicest person ever and people who can't see that don't deserve you."

"Am I annoying to the part where you'd hate me too?" You lean your head on his chest.

"Never. I love you so much that I'd wish people who belittle you gets kicked by karma." He pats your back gently. 

"Thank you, Yoosung." You hug him tightly.

"It's okay if you don't cheer up, I'll try my best to make you happy. Because your smile means everything to me." He smiles. "Now, let's eat, the rice is getting cold."

"It's not the end of the world if I lose her right?"

"That's the spirit!" He rubs your head gently.

"There's this theme park I always wanted to go, can we go there in the future? It looks fun!" You says as you start to dig in.

"Anything for my princess." He smiles.


After dinner, you play with Lisa while Yoosung went out to run some errands.

"Lisa~" You say as you scratch her head.

"Meow." She looks at you, her eyes bright with energy.

She has grown a lot.

"I'm back." Yoosung says as he opens the door. "I met this girl at the convenience store and she asked if she could borrow my phone to call her parents since her battery died."

"Oh?" You look at him while rubbing Lisa's belly. "Did she get home safe?"

"I think she did. A car came and she left." 

"That's good to hear!" You smile.

"Here, I got you ice cream. It was on 1+1, so I get one too~" He hands you an ice cream after packing up some stuff.

"Thank you!"

"Oh, could you do that pose you did for your solo shot? It sounded pretty cute!" Yoosung sits down excitedly in front of you.

You did as told and then covered your face, feeling embarrassed.

"That was so cute!" He blushes. 

"Is it me or is it hot in here? My ice cream might melt from the heat." He fans himself, his face flushed red.

"Can...can I have a picture with you in that pose?" He asks carefully.

You blush with embarrassment as you pose for the camera.

"So cute! I'm going to save this as my wallpaper!" He exclaims after taking the photo. 

"No fair! You do it too so I can save it on my phone!" 

"Okay okay..." It's his turn to flush red while posing. 

"Hehe~so handsome." You smile as you look at the picture.

The night goes on with the both of you cuddling while watching dramas.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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