Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year! I hope you have a happy 2017. This year is a really important year for me, I have really important exams lined up for the whole year. I'm sorry to say this but I'll be updating less frequently, there's no guarantee when I'll update. I'm really sorry ;;; I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing. Thank you for reading, I really appreciate it. Thank you so so much~



"Yoosung..." You say as he answers the phone.

"Yes? My love."

"It's New Years Eve...I want to go out and watch fireworks~~" You hit him with aegyo.

"You do?! I was just about to ask you~~~This is great! Hehe..."

"Do you want to go to a concert or do you want to do something else?" He adds.

"Let's do something else~I want to spend time with you...hehe."

"Have you been to KOEX Mall's Aquarium? Do you want to go?"

"Isn't that a small Aquarium?"

"You'll be surprised by how big it is~"

"Okay~It sounds romantic." You smile.

"It would be a pain to take public transport so I should ask Jumin to lend me a car."

"Did Jumin say anything about the car after Driver Kim picked it up?"

"Nope. I told you I was good at driving~Haha~"

"Yes, yes you are~~~"

"Hehe~" He laughs foolishly. "I should call Jumin. I'll pick you up at 73 building at 5 p.m., alright?"


"Then, I'll see you~Muah~"

"Muah~bye bye~"

You take a quick shower and put on warm and comfortable clothes. After applying a light makeup, you head for 73 building. 

"Sorry for making you wait." You run towards Yoosung who has a stalk of rose in his hand. 

You're 15 minutes early and he's already there. So cool.

"I arrived early, it's nothing~" He hugs you. "Here, a rose for my lovely princess."

"What's with the rose?" You smile.

"I want to give you a rose every time we meet. It's a way of expressing how much I love you and want to be with you." He scratches his head nervously.

"Awww~Thank you." You kiss him on the cheek.

"Different colours of roses are symbols of different emotions. I gave red roses for today and Christmas. Red roses are expressions of love." He grabs your hand gently. "I love you."

"I love you too." You pull his collar down and kiss him on the lips.

He wraps his arms around you, embracing you with his love.

"I wish it'd last forever." He meant the kiss.

"Anyways~" He walks towards the car. 

"My lady~" He opens the car door for you.

"Thank you." You smile sweetly.

"Oh? You're using the felt keychain I gave you." Yoosung notices the dog keychain that you hung on your bag.

"It's cute, isn't it?" You play with the keychain.

"Of course it is, I made it after all." He starts the engine.

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