Yoosung is Sick

118 7 0

After eating porridge, Yoosung falls asleep. You pull out your phone to tell the others about Yoosung.


ZEN : Oh, you're here.

         : I thought you were going on a date with Yoosung? He bragged to me all night yesterday.

Yeah...about that...

He's sick T_T

ZEN : What!!!!

         : *shocked emoji*

         : seriously?!

Yes. I found him on his bedroom floor this morning T_T

ZEN : Poor guy. Goes sick from getting to excited for him first date.

         : *tear emoji*

         : Is he okay?

I made him something to eat just now and now he's sleeping.

ZEN : Should I go visit him?

707 has entered the chatroom

You can come later, he's resting right now.

ZEN : Thanks for taking care of him.

         : So jealous that he has great girlfriend...

         : *tear emoji*

707 : Poor Yoosung lolololol

        : Getting sick on the day he's supposed to bring his girlfriend out.

        : It must be hard for you.

ZEN : lolol I agree


707 : Oh no!! She's sad!!

         : Let me, 707, cheer you up~

ZEN : Yoosung's gonna kill you if he sees this

707 : Can't I be nice? T_T

ZEN : Why don't you go rest as well? You took care of Yoosung for quite some time now. Maybe I'll come over to help out after rehearsals.

707 : I wanna go too T_T

        : But I have so much work right now

        : It's eating me alive

        : Ahhhhh help meeeee

Thanks, Zen. ^^

ZEN : No problem ^^

707 : Say hi to Yoosung for me

        : Tell him I'll give him Honey Buddha Chips if he gets well quickly

ZEN : It wouldn't be healthy to eat junk food after recovering

         : * '....' emoji*

I agree ^^;;

But thank you Seven~

707 : At least she appreciates my efforts T_T

ZEN : She's just being nice lol

707 : Stop being so mean

        : My stress-filled heart might shatter

        : I need love~~~~

ZEN : lol I thought you had a lot of work, why are you still here?

707 : *crying emoji*

        : I'm here to relieve my stress

        : but sadly Yoosung is sick

        : I have no one to tease

^^;;; Please be nice to Yoosung

707 : lolololol

        : Yes, ma'am. T_T

ZEN : The director is calling, I have to go.

         : I'll visit Yoosung later.

         : Cheer up~

ZEN has left the chatroom

I didn't get to say good bye...

707 : You can say good bye to me~~

        : I have to go too T_T

        : Send Yoosung my regards~

        : so

        : much

        : work

        : T_T

Bye, seven ^^ Good luck!

707 : I feel so much better after talking to you.

        : Then,

        : Good bye~

707 has left the chatroom

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