Happy Birthday!

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Happy Birthday to the one and only SuperMan Yoosung! Our Yoosungie has taken us through a wonderful journey and made our hearts flutter for him >< <3 



"Yoosung, I left your breakfast on the table, don't forget to bring your lunchbox." You say as you wear your shoes hurriedly.

"But...today...is..." He stares at you, looking like a poor puppy.

"Love you, bye!" You purposely forget to give him a kiss goodbye and rush out the door.

It's a special day, not only are the flowers in bloom, but your heart as well.

Your phone rings as you exit the apartment building, it's Jaehee.

"Hello? It's me, Jaehee."

"Good morning, Jaehee." You smile even though you know she won't see it.

"I'm going to arrive soon, so wait awhile."

"Okay, see you." You hang up.

Moments later, Jaehee's car pulls up at the drop off section and you enter her car.

"Thanks for taking me out, Jaehee." You say as you put on your seat belt.

 "You're welcome, it's Yoosung's birthday after all."

"I don't know what to get him though..." You fluster.

"He's graduating soon, why don't you get him a tie?" She suggests.

"No, that's his graduation gift." You whine.

"How about cologne?" Or makeup?"

"He did mention something about cologne before." You tried to remember what he said before but couldn't.

"I'm going to get him reference book. He might need it since his exams are coming." Jaehee says while taking a turn into the mall's basement parking. "What does he study?"

"Veterinary Science." 

"He surely didn't look like a student that majors in that course. All he did was play games."

"He told me the reason why he chose to major in that course, it was a sad story." You think about what he told you before.

"Tell me when we're having lunch. Now, let's get you what you need to wear for tonight's party." She unbuckles her seat belt.

"Okay." You unbuckle as well.

"Zen, you're here." Jaehee spots Zen as the both of you enter the mall.

Zen isn't hard to recognize, especially the long white hair he has.

"Sooner or later, I'll have to wear masks and hats." He sighs as his popularity is exploding.

"Good morning, Zen." You smile.

"Good morning." He smiles back.

It's 10:30 AM, the party starts at 6 PM. You have more than enough time to prepare.

"What are you going to get for Yoosung, Zen?" You ask.

"Of course it's going to be skincare products!" He flips his hair. "You can't have beautiful skin like mine if you don't take good care of it, right Jaehee?"

"Yes, you are right, Zen." She nods, her eyes sparkling.

"Does Yoosung use skincare products? What brand does he use?" Zen turns to you.

"He does but I've never seen that brand before."

"Then I'll just get him what I normally use for my routine. It's for all skin types so he shouldn't be allergic."

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