First "Date"

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After the party, you and Yoosung bid farewell to the others. Both of you get changed into comfortable clothing and went to a café nearby.

It's 4 o' clock, the hour where there aren't many customers. You sit down with Yoosung opposite to you. He smiles sweetly and stares at you.

"What coffee do you like?" He looks at the menu board at the counter and looks back at you.

"Guess." You giggle mischievously.

"Latte? Americano? Espresso?" He tilts his head slightly, trying hard to guess what coffee you like.

"It's a secret~" You smile at him. "Order what you think I'd like." You look at the menu board filled with various beverages.

"Ahh...Why?" He whines when you refused to tell him.

You just smile at him. The thought of you two finally being able to be together warms your heart and makes you feel happy. The person who risked his life for you, someone he never met in person before, just to ensure your safety. He's the person you never thought you would fall in love with ever since you got involved in RFA.

While you were lost in your warm thoughts, he comes back with two cups of coffee and a piece of cake.

"I know we just ate at the party but let's take this as dessert." He ruffles his hair.

You take a sip of the coffee, the aroma fills you with delight. You smile while nodding.

"I got it right?" He looks at you expectantly.

"My favourite." You smile with your teeth showing.

"Ahh...if you smile like that, I don't think I'll get a good sleep tonight. I'll be thinking of how beautiful your smile is." He presses his hand against his chest.

"I'm glad I got your favourite coffee right. I was afraid I'd get it wrong." He smiles.

"I'm happy we finally met." You cup your hands around your cup, staring at the coffee shyly.

"Me too! I've been thinking about you everyday, wondering how I should approach you; imagining what we would do together..." Yoosung gets lost in his words, talking about how much he loves you and what he plans to do together with you in the future.

You use the fork to cut a piece off the slice of cake while listening attentively to Yoosung's words.

"Ah...I think I got too hyped up about our relationship." He ruffles his hair and lets out a few laughs shamefully. By the time he finished talking, you've already consumed half of the slice.

Yoosung notices you got cream on your lips, he takes a tissue and leans closer to help you wipe it off. "Look at you, getting cream all over your" He wipes off the cream slowly while staring at the lips he kissed a few hours ago.

You blush rapidly as he stares at your lips.

Yoosung realizes he's been staring for too long and retreats back to his seat, embarrassed.

"Umm...I..." You both speak at the same time to break the awkwardness. You both look at each other and laugh after noticing that both of you spoke at the same time.

"You can finish the cake..." You push the plate towards Yoosung.

"You don't it anymore?" Yoosung looks at you.

"Dessert..." You reply with a small voice.

"Oh...You want me to have dessert too? Awww, you're so cute." Yoosung laughs.

After a while of staring at each other and drinking coffee, Yoosung decides that you should go home since it's been a long day.

"It's not good to go home late at night. The sun's setting soon, that's when the bad people come out, you should go home." Yoosung stands up, preparing to leave.

Mystic Messenger Fanfiction [Forever & Always Be Mine]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz