First Date!

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Hii~ Joey here! Happy Valentines Day to all the couples out there, as for the single ones, I hope you have a wonderful day anyways~ I hope you have a wonderful day and stay happy~ Remember to put on sunglasses if you're going outdoors! Thanks for reading this fanfiction, I appreciate it so so so much <3



You stare at the ceiling, having deep thoughts on how you want to approach Yoosung when you see him. It's your first Valentines with him. Maybe today will finally be the day that you will get your first official and not last minute planned date. Though the conversation you had with him a few hours ago had no signs of him remembering that today is a special day. It was just about his assignments and about moving in with him.

Maybe he's forgotten about it? What was the thing that he wanted to talk about? He is probably too busy with assignments right now to remember what date today is...

Shaking your head fiercely, you throw all those thoughts away and start to prepare to meet him. With light and natural makeup, a nice piece of comfortable clothing along with a thick winter coat, you head out to meet Yoosung.

--Coffee Bey--

"Darling!" Yoosung shouts as he run towards you excitedly.

Somehow, you're kinda sad that he didn't show up with a bouquet of roses or even a stalk of rose like he said he'd bring every time the both of you meet.

"Yoosung~" You smile while throwing yourself in his embrace.

"I missed you." He kisses you gently on the forehead.

"I missed you too." Your face turns hot in the cold winter wind.

"Come, we're going to be late!" He pulls you along.

"But, I thought you had something to talk about?" You say while running with him.

"I'll tell you next time. It's alright~" He turns his head to you with a cheeky smile.

"O...okay..." You nod.

--Movie Theater--

"Huuu...I thought we were going to be late." He pants while looking at his watch.

"Late for what?" You look at him.

The fact that the both of you are standing in front of the movie theater is not obvious enough that Yoosung brought you here to watch a movie, what else are you late for? Limited edition popcorn?

"I bought us tickets for a movie, hehe~" He swings the tickets in his hand.

"What are we watching?" 

"Nothing like a romance movie on Valentines, right?" He smiles.

So he does remember that today is Valentines. Don't be sad that he didn't bring you flowers, he gave you tons of flowers way before this. Though he did say that he'll bring you a stalk of rose every time the both of you meet.

"I heard it's don't like it?" He says after noticing you blanking out.

"No..." You shake your head. 

"Let's go." You cling onto him and smile.

"Do you want popcorn?" 

Apparently, they are selling limited edition popcorn for Valentines, lucky you.

"Yeah!" You nod.

Because it's Valentines, the popcorn was made with a mild sweet and savory combination topped off with tiny shreds of seaweed and cheese. Damn, I want some too.

The both of you walk happily into the theater along with a cup of drink and a box of popcorn.

---After the movie---

"That was a good movie~" Yoosung stretches.

"At first it was alright but the ending!!! OHHHH, so good." You shake your fists excitedly.

"I know right?!" He grabs your fists and shakes them excitedly.

"Alright, let's go for a walk in the park~" He rests his arm on your shoulder.

"It's a bit chilly today but okay!" 

Chilly? You and him sat on a bench at the park when it was freaking winter.


"I feel bad that we had to walk up here, are your legs okay?" Yoosung pulls you close to a bench to sit.

"I'm fine~~Nothing like a little exercise after sitting for so long." You smile.

"I thought I had everything planned out perfectly but I was wrong." He looks disappointing.

 "What was your plan?" You hold his hand.

"It's nothing special. First we go for a movie and then take a walk in the park and eat dosirak. After that we'll go for coffee at Moonbucks." 

"And what's wrong?"

"I didn't have time to tell you about the plan and just dragged you along, I didn't borrow a car from Jumin and made you walk." He bites his lip.

"It's okay, it was surprising~I love it, a simple and nice first date~"

"We went out many times but this feels more like a date, doesn't it?" He smiles a little.

"Mmhmm~" You nod gently.

Suddenly, your stomach growls even though you just ate some popcorn. It may have already digested from all that walking.

"Oh, you must be hungry from all that walking." 

"Hehe..." You laugh guiltily, 

"I made dosirak! Though I don't know what you like best but I put a lot of effort into it, so please eat it~"

"I'll eat it even if it's not good, because you made it for me~And that makes me feel special." You smile sweetly.

"Really?! That makes me feel happy." He smiles happily, his cheeks flushed red.

After eating, the both of you walk to Moonbucks for coffee.

"Here, I ordered you your favourite." He hands you a paper cup.

"Thank you." Even the cup design is specially for Valentines Day.

"Today was a good day, don't you think?"

"Yea, it was~I'm really happy that you took me out on a date. I thought we were going to talk about something else." You wrap your palms around the cup.

"I'll tell you about that next time~Today is a special day. Hehe~" He smiles.

"About moving..." You look at him.

"Have you decided?" He looks at you.

"Maybe soon~I don't know yet." You shrug.

"Take your time, I'll be waiting for you." His gaze softens.

After some chatting, picture taking, Yoosung holds your hand and the both of you walk out the coffee shop. 

"Oh wait, I think I left something in the coffee shop." He suddenly says after walking for a while.

"Wait for me here," He walks you to a bus stop nearby.

"Be careful." Even if it's the evening and the street is still crowded, you can't help but worry.

Yoosung disappears into the crowd.

After a while, he comes back with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"Did you think that I'd forget my promise?" He looks at you sweetly.

"No...maybe..." Tears trickle down your cheeks.     

"Aww, I would never." He hugs you with one arm.

"I love you, thank you for today." You sob in his embrace.

"I love you too." He kisses you on the forehead and then on the lips.

"Happy Valentines Day." He says softly as you accept the bouquet.

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