Chapter 2- Deal

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School. The thing that I used to love but now despise. I haven't talked to anyone since the park, Lily and Ben texted me, once again thanks to Claire they have my number. Apparently we all are going to meet up in front of the school, and unfortunately that includes Sam.

I get out a pair of shorts, and a light grey sweater and finish the look off by putting on my sneskers. I walk downstairs and dig in to the traditional first day of school chocolate chip pancakes.

"Hurry up and eat, Sam offered to drive us since Ben is driving his friends, Lily will be with us too" Claire rushes. I sigh, taking another spoonful of cereal.

Unknown- Hey, it's Sam I'm outside
E-how did u get my number?
Unknown- I asked Claire for it
E-well do me a favor and lose it

"Sam's outside" I tell Claire, she adjusts her shirt so she can show cleavage, I roll my eyes and grab my bag. We walk out and get into the car.

"Hey, are you okay? Ben and I were worried about you" Lily questions, I chuckle. "Yeah, I just haven't been feeling good lately and that didn't make me feel like myself so I wanted to wait until I felt 100% to hang out again"

"Oh, I thought you were avoiding me" I shake my head. "No, you're really cool, I would never miss out on talking to you"

"Aw I feel loved!" Sam puts a hand on his heart, I roll my eyes. "Who said I was talking to you?"

"And I take that back" He chuckles as we pull into the school parking lot. As we get out of the car, Lily notices that I am staring at the school so she asks "so, what do you think?"

I sigh, taking a deep breath. "Nervous-"

"Oh don't be! Just here are a few tips, be careful around Stacey Harper, especially when you are with Sam-"

"I won't be, so no need to worry about that" I say dryly, giving her the gesture to continue. "Okay, also stay away from Stacey's minions-"

"Trust me, I won't be talking to them either" I chuckle nervously. Not after what happened, not again. "Oh, alright. Well if that's the case then you are good. You are most likely gonna be assigned a buddy so I'll meet you by the bleachers on the football field, see you in English, gym math and lunch" she chuckles. I walk straight to the office to retrieve my schedule.

"Welcome to Castle High School Miss Bennet. Sit tight and your buddy should be here soon" The lady at the front desk says with a smile. What am I back in kindergarten?

"Well I guess you're stuck with me" I cringe at the sound of his voice. "You're showing me around?" I ask dryly while looking up at Sam.

"Yup" He said with a cheeky grin, I roll my eyes and reply "great" sarcastically. He held out his hand to help me up but I ignored him and kept walking.

"You blew my mind yesterday with your tricks. So besides skating, any other things you're good at?" He asks with a smirk, I roll my eyes. "That's actually none of your business, and if you're not going to show me around then I'll find my own way." I started to walk away but he grabbed my wrist, flashbacks come into my head and as a response I hit him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that... I should get to class bye." I started walking as fast as I could, I need to get to my first class before I start crying.

I ran to find my first class but unfortunately I got lost. I saw Ben hanging out with a couple of his friends, I had no choice but to ask him. "Hey, sorry to interrupt but do you know where I can find room 132?" He turned around with a smile.

"Hey Emma. I can show you if you want, we happen to have class together." I nod nervously, he smiles and says goodbye to his friends. As he showed me to our class, I couldn't help but unfortunately notice that Sam was in my class as well. Gotta stay far away from that boy.

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