Chapter 18- You Need Clarity

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Emma's POV
Another week passed and it was time for the school's annual Halloween senior sleepover. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to go but Lily and Ben convinced me. Kat got arrested on assault charges against me and refused to give up her accomplices which worries me a little because they are still out there, but I know that I have to keep my head held high and keep going.

I didn't even have a costume so Lily lent me one of her old ones. It's a boxer girl costume. Lily is going as Wonder Woman, Ben is going as a skeleton, Charlotte is going as a sexy bear, Stacey is going as a sexy football player, Parker is going as Batman, and of course Mike is going to be a firefighter Magic Mike style. I have no idea what Sam is going as, and unfortunately, Grayson couldn't come because he's sick but we all promised to FaceTime him later anyways.

We all agreed to meet in the parking lot so we'll be able to get spots next to each other on the field. So on the way over I started asking Lily and Ben questions.

"So what exactly do we do at this sleepover?"

"Apparently there are games, karaoke, and a bunch of other stuff. I think it will be really fun." Lily replied excitedly, I nodded and smiled. "It sounds fun."

"It really is. A couple of my friends that graduated last year snuck me in, some people even sell beer and alcohol under the teacher's noses so it's like a mini party. I know you want to stay away from alcohol after what happened, but you can still have fun sober." Ben replied with a chuckle. I can clearly see that it's a good memory for him so that makes me happy.

Things between Ben and I have been kind of weird. We both sort of just lost interest in each other, but at the same time he gets jealous when I hang out with Sam so it's weird.

As for Lily, well her, Stacey and Charlotte have been hounding me to tell them which one I like the most. Every time we hang out it's "so who's it gonna be? Ben or Sam?" And then they start listing pros and cons for both of them, I'm just sitting there saying leave me alone.

As we pulled into the parking lot, we met up with Charlotte, Mike and Stacey. We were still waiting on Parker and Sam.

"Ooo Emma you look hot!" Stacey comments while hugging me, I smile and return the hug. "Me? Look at you miss football player!"

"It's weird seeing you guys being friends, but I kind of like it." Mike said with a chuckle, we all nod in agreement. While Stacey and I had a very rocky start, we both just misunderstood each other. But now that we know each other's pasts and she's basically saved my life more than once, we've gotten past our differences and I like where we are now.

As we saw Parker's car pull into the parking lot, I couldn't help but notice the evil smirk on Lily's face. Knowing Lily it can only mean one thing, she's planning something.

"What are you smirking at?" I question her  teasingly, her smirk only grew wider. "You'll see." Oh I saw alright. The minute Sam got out of the car, I realized that Lily has set me up. He was dressed as a boxer as well.

I turned to Lily with no emotion in my face. "You knew he was going as a boxer didn't you?"

"I told you that you would see. Besides, I'm still on team Sam. You and Ben have like no connection now, but we'll see what happens tonight. Who knows, maybe something interesting is bound to happen." She replied with a shrug, I shake my head as Sam and Parker come over to greet everyone.

When he got to me, things were awkward. "Female boxer, we meet again!" He says in a challenging tone, I chuckle but go along with it, going in a fighting stance. "Why yes mister boxer. Your challenge awaits!" I reply in a cartoon fighting voice, everyone starts laughing at us as we hug.

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