Chapter 12- That Ship Has Sailed

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Since I already knew about my birthday party, I decided to take Ben to the doctor a half hour before the time that my party was supposed to start and just as I suspected, his thumb is broken which means no football for him.

"This sucks!" He shouts, kicking the garbage can outside. I touch his shoulder to try and calm him down. "I know, but on the bright side, you'll be able to do things you haven't tried this year."

"You don't get it. There are scouts that are going to come throughout the season to see me play and I'm not going to be able to for a while now. There go my chances at getting a scholarship."

"That's not true. You can earn scholarships for many different things, it doesn't just have to be football. You're smart and talented, and I'm sure that during this time you'll be able to find something else you're good at. I'll help you." He looks at me with a faint smile. "You'd really do that for me?"

"Of course." He wrapped me into a hug which I returned. It lasted for a few minutes and I couldn't help but enjoy it. It was nice feeling needed or welcomed, and it was nice to be treated nicely. But part of my mind was also wondering about the possibility of how far mine and Ben's relationship could go.

I know I said I didn't want a relationship with anyone, but Ben is different. And he's definitely no Kian.

The ride back home was pretty quiet until we decided to put some music on. That's when the real Ben came out. We both started singing along to All of Me by John Legend, and I realized he had an amazing voice.

Towards the end of the song, I looked at him and smiled. "I think we've found your new hobby." He looked at me confused, I shook my head and chuckled. "Singing! Music, something along the lines of that. You're good, you just have to believe it."

"You think so?" I nod as we pull into his driveway. "I really do."

"Now remember, act surprised." He whispers as we get out of the car, I nod and go to the front door which he unlocks. It seemed like nobody was in the house so Ben "led me" outside. Where I saw all different colored lights and cake and food.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone jumped out, I smiled brightly as Lily came and hugged me. "Happy birthday Emma!"

"You organized this? Thank you so much." I gave her a hug and she just looked all giddy. I looked around the backyard to see people who I know care about me. I saw Lily's parents, Mike, Charlotte, Grayson, Parker, Sam's mom and siblings, thankfully not Kat, and unfortunately Sam.

I turned back to Lily and sighed. "What is he doing here?"

"He helped organize this, so I kind of had no choice but to invite him. I'm sorry Emma, but just because he's here doesn't mean that you can't enjoy the party. The first thing I have planned is karaoke, Ben, Parker and I have prepared something for you."

They started to sing She Looks So Perfect by 5 Seconds of Summer, I couldn't help but smile because Lily knows that this was one of my favorite songs by them. I listened to them nonstop back home while everything went down and it honestly helped. They gave me something to look forward to in my place of darkness.

When they were done singing, I gave the three of them hugs and thanked them. After hours of karaoke and dancing, it was time to open presents. Unfortunately, Sam wanted me to see his first. And his "present" was someone that I did not want to see at all. My mother.

"Happy birthday baby girl!" She had a fake smile on as she went to hug me. I tried so hard not to make a scene but tears were welling up in my eyes as she hugged me. "If you tell anyone what happened I will tell Kian where you are and I'll give him Lily's address. You better not defy me because you know what happens." She pressed her finger into my stomach, I held in my breath and tried not to wince in pain as everyone smiled at us. Everyone except Ben because he is the only one who knows the truth.

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