Chapter 27- Everything But Perfect

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"Hell no!"

"Absolutely fucking not!"

"There is no way in hell I'm letting her back in my life!"

"Think about it, both Claire and Kat said that this was not part of the original plan-"

"So you think bringing Kat into the scenario is going to help? She's a pathological liar. This could just as much be part of the plan!" Lily protests, I sigh.

"I'm trying to do what's best for my brother-"

"Yeah, and in the process you are going to get him killed. Kat does not mean any good, even if she is taking Kian's orders and is petrified of him. We need to come up with a plan to trap them." Sam snaps angrily, I shake my head.

"He's right Em. What if we turned them against each other and made them go to the police? We can go through with the plan. Start with anonymous letters in their handwritings, and then start signing them under their names. It'll get them to break for sure. Kat is a stronger obstacle though, we need a more complex plan for her." Ben replied, I reluctantly agreed.

"Fine, lets start with the notes. Stacey, you're good at forging handwriting, you do it, we'll tell you what to say, and I'll casually slip the notes in their lockers." I replied, Stacey nodded and grabbed a piece of paper from her bag. "What should they say?"

"For Marcus, write I know what you did. Then for Liam, write sticks and stones may break my bones but your words killed me. How does that sound?" I question Mike, knowing that he was once friends with them, Mike nods. "I think it'll be just enough to put them on edge. Let's do it. We'll continue this for the rest of the week, they should be fighting by then."

Mike was right. By the time Friday rolled around, there was a huge fight between Liam and Marcus.

"How could you!" Marcus shouted, throwing Liam up against the lockers, Liam looked up at him angrily. "What the fuck was that for?!" He shoves Marcus back.

"You are so done when the police get their hands on you!" Liam starts swinging at Marcus, and vice versa. It turned into a full on brawl between the two of them. It took about four security guards to separate them, and soon they were taken into police custody. Of course, I was called in as well.

"Miss Bennet, we have 2 people that confessed to the murder of your mother. They gave away their third partner in their plot, we are currently looking for Katherine Clarke. I'm sorry for your loss-"

"You know what? You should be sorry. Because my mother would not be rotting away in a grave right now had you listened to me in the first place when they tried to kill me and my friends." I snapped angrily, he nods.

"I know, and on behalf of my team, I sincerely apologize. We are going to put a police officer stationed outside your house."

"I don't live at my old address. Do you have a piece of paper and a pen? I don't want to tell you where in case they are listening." He nodded and handed me a pen and paper. I wrote down my new address and handed it to him.

"My baby brother is coming home in two weeks. Don't let him die too." I got up and walked out. Ben was waiting outside for me, I gave him a faint smile. "What did they say?"

"They told me that Liam and Marcus confesses, and that they admitted that Kat was a conspirator as well. They're looking for her now."

"That's great!" He said excitedly, I shake my head. "It's not great. This means that their plan is going to start earlier than expected, which also means that the cops have to put 24 hour surveillance on all of us, even on Nick. This isn't the life I wanted him to have, why did I agree to take care of him?" I start to cry, Ben grabs my hand and makes me look at him.

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