Chapter 8- We're Besties Now

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Emma's POV
I woke up to the sound of whispering. I opened my eyes to see Lily and Sam's mom, I couldn't help but smile. "Hey Lily, What are you doing here so early?" I question, she chuckles.

"Emma it's 1pm. Besides, I came to check in on you and see how you were doing. How are you feeling?" She sits down next to me as Sam's mom leaves the room. "I'm feeling okay. How was your date last night?"

"It was amazing. He took me to a fancy restaurant and then Sam told us he could have his date spot since his date got injured. Cough cough. But it was beautiful, we even ended up watching the sunrise and we kissed!" I smile and squeal. "That's amazing Lily!"

"Yes, especially the part about you and Sam." She teases with a wink, I roll my eyes. "I did not know that he was talking about me when he said he was going to ask someone."

"Of course he was talking about you! Who else would he be talking about-" She was cut off by the sound of knocking on the door. It was Stacey. "What are you doing here?" Lily said angrily. Lily blames her for the reason I was stabbed because she's the reason I ran away in the first place. But it wasn't her fault, she saved me.

"I came to apologize. I feel like all of this is my fault because of what I said to you. It wasn't right, and if you want to go out with Sam, go for it. I shouldn't have said anything to you in the first place and I think it's because I felt intimidated by you and I let my ego get in the way. I'm really sorry." She turned around to leave, but I stopped her.

"Stacey Wait. Thank you for apologizing, it means a lot to me, but what happened to me is not your fault. So don't blame yourself okay?" A tear falls down her face which she quickly wiped away and nodded. "Now go enjoy your Saturday." She smiled as she left, I couldn't help but smile too.

"Damn. I never thought I'd see that day that Stacey King is nice to someone other than her friends. Is hell freezing over?" I couldn't help but laugh, but I soon doubled over in pain because of my stitches. "Alright, changing the subject of the devil to next Friday. Are you coming to homecoming? If not I'll gladly stay home with you."

"I just had this conversation with Ben and Sam yesterday so I am going to say the same thing to you as I said to them. This is your last homecoming, and you're nominated for queen so you have to go. I wouldn't want you to miss out on that opportunity so I'll go but I won't do anything crazy."

"And I'll be there to support you. So who are you going to go with? Ben or Sam?" She teases, I roll my eyes. "Neither have asked me so it doesn't matter. Both are great friends so I'll go with whoever asks first."

"Oh come on! You don't have even a little feelings for either one?" I shrug and chuckle as she grunts in frustration. "I don't fall fast Lily, plus I've only known them for like three weeks, two and a half maybe. It takes me a long time to fall for someone, and after my ex I don't have any intentions of falling for anyone."

"I know that whatever happened with your ex was bad, but you have to be able to get passed that. And yes, it is going to take time, but you can't wait forever. Now is the time to take chances Em, follow your heart."

"My heart is telling me that everything needs to slow down for a little bit. After all I did just get stabbed and almost bled out, but at the same time I know that you're right because I can't wait forever. I'll make a decision by next week, but you have to get your acceptance speech ready okay?" She started to smile. "You know you're nominated too right?" My smile faded to a frown.

"What? That's impossible, I'm not even running!"

"People wrote your name on the nomination ballot. You're in the running for homecoming queen." I automatically started to freak. "No." I started scratching again.

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