Chapter 24- Fuck You Chad

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Ben's POV
It has only been a day in this house and I am already fed up with the tension in this place. Sam was in the wrong solely for the fact that he basically called Emma a slut and wouldn't let her explain anything.

She deserves happiness, and it's ridiculous because he will just come crawling back to her once he sees her in a bikini, or worse, they might start arguing again. I won't let that happen. I'm making it my mission to make this the best Christmas that these people have ever had.

Emma's POV
"Wakey wakey roomie. It's time for the beach!" Lily shakes me, I grunt and throw my pillow at her. "It's too early."

"It's 12 pm. Get up!" I huff and get up reluctantly. "Remind me why we are going to the beach on Christmas Eve?" I ask, she shrugs.

"It's on my bucket list. Besides, as of today I am officially able to go into the water, my doctor cleared me before we left. Ah I'm so excited! Now get your hottest bikini on we're leaving in ten." I reluctantly got up and changed into my bikini, making sure to put a cover up on over it. I put my flip flops on, brushed my teeth and my hair, and headed downstairs to meet the others.

"This is going to be the best Christmas Eve ever!" Lily squeals, I chuckle at her excitement. Hopefully Sam and I can put aside our differences for the spirit of Christmas.

As we got into the car, I couldn't help but picture what we are going to have ahead of us. Due to the fact that we have to drive everywhere and that it's Christmas Eve, we are going to hit a lot of traffic. "Ugh I told you we should have left earlier!" Mike complains to Charlotte, she rolls her eyes.

"Us girls take awhile to get ready, even if we're going to the beach. And besides, Emma slept in, she had a rough night." Charlotte and I went in the car with Mike, Grayson and Ben, so it's pretty safe to talk about the whole Sam situation. "I can understand why he's so pissed Em. You gave that douchebag your number." Mike added on.

"First of all, Logan is not a douchebag, he's one of the best friends I ever had here. Second, that's the reason we exchanged numbers. I used to live in this town, matter of fact your brother was best friends with my ex." It looked as if Mike had seen a ghost. I think he came to the realization of who I really was, and a look of guilt spread across his face.

"Yeah! And Sam didn't even let her explain anything, he just called her a slut and told her to leave his room, how rude." Charlotte protested, crossing her arms like an angry five year old. "Hopefully, we can just get through today like civil human beings. We are going to exchange gifts later on anyways, so maybe in the spirit of Christmas he will forget about it."

"But he shouldn't have to, and neither should you. You both can't just forget the fact that he called everything that happened to you a sob story, and that he called you a slut. You guys need to address it eventually." Ben argued, Grayson nodded in agreement.

The rest of the ride was pretty silent. Once we got there and everyone was heading to the beach, Mike stopped me. "Can I talk to you for a second?" I nodded. "Sure what's up?"

"It was you wasn't it? You're the girl from Alex's party. I knew that a girl got raped, but I had no idea who. I'm so sorry Emma, I shouldn't have brought you here."

"You have nothing to be sorry about. What Kian did is on him, not you and your brother. And sure, it is extremely hard for me to be in your house, but I'm facing my demons one step at a time." Anger spread on his face when reality hit him. "Sam knew didn't he? And yet he still called it a sob story? That son of a bitch-"

"Please don't do anything Mike. It's Christmas Eve, I just want this day to be a good one. Promise me you won't do anything." I held out my pinky as a joke, he grunted and locked his pinky in mine. "Thank you. Now let's go enjoy the day."

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