Chapter 30- What Can I Do For You?

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Emma's POV
When I got to the warehouse, I took a few deep breaths and then went in to find Nicholas. I crept behind a corner when I saw Logan feeding Nicholas.

"Ah it looks like mommy is here. Come out Emma." Logan said with a smile, turning to face my direction. "I'm not his mother, you know that."

"Oh sure you are. This is our son." He starts petting Nicholas's head, I tensed up. "Our son? You're delusional. Get away from him!" Nicholas started to cry.

"Oh honey, you're scaring him. Why don't we go talk in the other room-"

"I'm not leaving him anywhere, especially not here where Kian murdered my father." I said firmly, Logan sighs. "Babe, you know I did that for us. I love you."

"You really are crazy! You're not Kian. You never will be. Why are you acting like this?" He just laughed. "I might as well be. You see, after Kian went away for college, I found out that I was adopted. And my birth parents are Kian's. Do you know what it's like to feel like you don't belong?" Only my whole life.

"Well I felt like that up until I became friends with you. But then you left me for him, and left me to rot. I eventually found out about everything from Kian after telling him the truth, and he let me in on everything. But of course, I had to put a little spin on things." He started chuckling with an evil smirk, I just gave him a questioning look. "What are you talking about?"

"It wasn't an accident that Lily and Ben got hit. That was me-"

"Are you crazy? They could've died!" I shouted angrily, he sighs. "Yeah but I didn't know them so I don't really care. Your mother on the other hand, that's a different story. She found out about me, and she was going to take you away again, and she made sure your brother knew." My heart sank. Tears filled my eyes. Please tell me he didn't...

"You killed them didn't you?" He just shrugs and chuckles. "Your sister is in jail for a crime she didn't commit. She saw me at the party and asked if I could drive her car because she was too wasted. Collateral damage."

"How could you?! After everything I've done for you-"

"Everything you've done for me? What have you done Em? You've done nothing but leave me to rot in the hell hole that is high school. You didn't even care when I tried to tell you I found out I was adopted! You left me high and dry to follow your love and look how that turned out."

"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry can't take away the beatings I got from my dad. Sorry can't take away all the bullying. Sorry can't take away the countless nights I prayed for you to be my friend again so that I could tell you about my pain! But you were too busy with him. So now, you're gonna be with me, and we're going to be a family."

"You can't make me do anything. You're crazy!" He laughed evilly and gave me a devious look. "Maybe I am. But you know what you are?"

I gave him a questioning look. He smirked and inserted a needle in my arm. I felt my body start to go weak. What the hell?

"Mine." He whispered in my ear as I slowly fell to the ground.

Lily's POV
"Ugh! This is not a time to be stuck in traffic! MOVE!" Ben shouted out the window, Kat shook her head. "It's no use. There's traffic for miles."

"How much longer of a drive is it?" Parker asks, grabbing my hand as he notices my nerves tensing up. "About twenty minutes."

Ben shakes his head and opens the door. "Nope. I can't do this."

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Stacey questions, he smiles. "I'm going to save my girl. If any of you want to come, feel free, but one of you has to stay with the car. Kat, you're coming with me." I almost melted at how sweet he was being. But I was also pissed at how stupid he's being.

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