Chapter 11- Homecoming

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Emma's POV
When I got out of the bathroom, all the girls were looking at me in awe. "You look so beautiful Em." Lily wiped away her fake tears and gave me a hug, I chuckle.

"Thanks, lets just hope that this dance isn't a total bust." It probably will be. The day started off bad, and for me when the day starts bad it only escalates further downhill. "This is going to be the best birthday you've ever had and I'm going to make sure of it."

"Today's your birthday? Awe happy birthday Emma!" Charlotte gave me a hug, I smiled. I like this girl, even if she's friends with Stacey I really hope that we can be friends too.

"Yeah happy birthday." Stacey said with a fake smile, I don't even look at her. I just mutter a quick thank you and go back to paying attention to Lily and Charlotte.

"Everyone is here now can we go?" Ben whined through their intercom, Lily squealed out of excitement. "Awesome! Tell mom to start announcing us."

"Announcing us?"

"Yeah. Something you should know about me is that I am extremely extra and every year that we've had a dance, basically since the prom in eighth grade, I have made my parents be my own personal MC's. It'll be fun! Charlotte you're up first." Before I could ask anymore questions, I heard Lily's mom shouting.

"First we have the lovely Charlotte being chaperoned by Mike. Isn't she beautiful!" Charlotte quickly went down the stairs, next was Lily.

"Next we have the wonderful Liliana being chaperoned by Parker! You look so gorgeous sweetie." Lily walked down with a huge smile on her face.

"Next we have Jackson being chaperoned by Grayson!" It's funny I never would've guessed that Grayson was gay but I'm proud of him for not being afraid to show his real self.

Apparently I was next.

"Next we have Emma being chaperoned by Sam. Damn girl you are rocking it!" Apparently her mom didn't get the memo. Sam came to meet me at the bottom of the stairs, I just glared at him and locked arms with Ben instead.

"And finally we have Stacey being chaperoned by...Sam I guess." Stacey and Sam both looked confused but everyone else knew what was happening. They know that we know about the kiss and it seems that Sam and Stacey are the only ones who didn't get the memo. Oops.

When we got into the limo Mike rented, there was complete and utter awkward silence. "How about we start this party off right?" Grayson offered, opening the bottle of champagne, I nod.

"Yes please."

"But I thought you said you don't like drinking?" Lily questions, I glare at her and do an eye gesture towards Sam and Stacey. She made an o shape with her mouth as she realized what I was doing.

"There's a first for everything. I'll have one too." Ben says with a smile, wrapping an arm around me. I smirked victoriously when I saw the look on Sam's face. At first I felt guilty for leaving Sam but now I'm glad I did because he's just like his sister.

"Cheers!" We quickly drank the cup of champagne that Grayson poured and we were soon at the school. Lily gave me a concerned look as we got out of the car and walked into the dance.

Parker pulled Lily onto the dance floor as we all found seats. "I'm going to go get punch, do you want anything?" Ben asks, I shake my head. Once he was gone, Sam came over and started talking to me.

"So what's the deal with you and Ben?" There was a hint of jealousy in his voice, I just chuckle. "Like you actually care."

"I do. Do you want to dance?" I glared at him and smirked as I saw Ben coming back. "I don't dance."

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