Chapter 6- When Did This Happen

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"So where have you been missy? I have been missing you like crazy!" Lily questions with a wink. She knows I've been busy with Sam, but she won't let the fact that he kissed me go.

"I know, which is why I want to make it up to you. There's a meteor shower tonight, and I know how much you love that stuff so why don't we go watch it from the park tonight?"

"I'd love to... but Parker and I already made plans to see it tonight. I'm sorry Em." I was shocked. Sam and I just spent the past week working on this and buying materials for nothing. Wait till he finds out. But I couldn't help but smile anyways because I don't have to trick them into dating each other.

"Ooo Lily and Parker sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-"

"Who's kissing who?" I jumped out of my skin at the sound of Ben's voice. "You scared the crap out of me! Anyways, Lily and Parker are going on a date tonight!"

"When did this happen?" He questions teasingly, nudging Lily. She just rolls her eyes and laughs. "Guys stop teasing me! He asked me before school when he picked me up. We're going out to eat and then we're going to go back to my house and watch the shower from the roof."

"That's so romantic! I hope you two have a great time." I gave her a hug, she giggled enthusiastically. Now I have to talk to Sam about what we're gonna do with all this stuff we bought. Maybe Ben could use it.

"What about you Ben, What are your plans for tonight?" I look over at him only to see that he's shrugging. "Coach has us practicing for next weeks big game so I'll be doing that probably until seven. And after that I'll probably just relax and take an ice bath."

I guess I was making a face because he said "what". I shook my head "You're going to get hypothermia."

"I've done this so many times. It helps after a long practice and calms my joints. Don't worry Emma."

"Fine, but if you get it don't come crying to me!" I say dramatically, he chuckles and puts a hand over his heart. "So you won't be by my hospital bed side?"

"No because you brought it upon yourself!" He lets out a dramatic gasp, causing Lily and I to start hysterically laughing. "You two and your dramatics I can't!"

I spot Sam walking past us so I excuse myself and go over to him. "Okay so we have a problem-"

"Parker and Lily already have a date tonight." He interrupts, I nod. "Yeah so we waisted all that money on food and stuff for nothing and we set everything up last night."

"What if we didn't?" I look at him hopefully. Maybe he found someone to use it. "You mean you found someone to use it?"

"Well yeah I was thinking about asking this girl I've been talking to. She just happens to live a door down." I smile at him and give him a hug. "That's great! I'm so happy for you. She's a lucky girl, let me know how it goes."

There was a gleam in his eye but it shortly faded. "I have a feeling she's going to say no but it's worth a shot anyway. So what should I get her if she says yes?"

"Flowers I guess. But it depends on the girl, some like me may hate flowers and some girls love getting them you never know." I shrug, he nods. "Alright. I have to get to English, I'll see you at lunch." He have me a hug and sped off. Why did he hug me?

"Nothing between you huh?" I jump at the sound of the bitch that is Stacey's voice. "Nope just friends."

"And it's going to stay that way. I've done some digging on you Hollywood and I've found some interesting things. It'll be a shame if they were to come out right?" She bats her eyelashes, I just chuckle. "You don't know anything. And even if you think you know something you're probably wrong." I turned away from her but she called out after me.

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