Chapter 28- Im Coming For You

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When the boys arrived at the house, the drunk in me automatically ran up and hugged Ben. "Hiya Benji!" Lily slurred, giggling after. Ben glared at Stacey. "She only calls me that when she's drunk. Did you seriously get them drunk?"

"Maybe a little bit. But we're not driving so it's okay." Stacey said with a giggle, the guys just rolled their eyes. Parker held out his hand and Lily grabbed it. "Fine, lets get this over with." Mike said with a sigh.

The car ride was really awkward. The guys were obviously mad at us. I don't blame them for being mad at us for drinking, but frankly I don't give a shit that they are mad. They most likely knew about the bet considering they are all friends. And of course, my sister just had to bring it up and make it.

When we got to the dance, we first got food because the guys wanted us to try and sober up first. I have to say, it mostly worked. They made the rest of the night fun. I didn't want to bring anyone's night down but I had to ask Ben.

I asked him during a slow dance. "Can I ask you something?" He nodded with a smile. "Did you know about the bet?" His face went pale.

"What?" He looked extremely nervous which gave him away. I took a step back. "You knew and you didn't tell me? How could you?"

"I made sure that Sam was not doing it for the bet. He said he wasn't-"

"Of course that's what he said! Let me know something. When I was lying in a hospital bed all smashed up, was he still participating in it?" I snap, he shakes his head. "I-I-don't know."

"Bullshit. I can't believe you." I pushed him and ran up to Sam, making sure to slap him in the face. "What the fuck Em?!"

I felt tears falling down my face. "I was a fucking bet?! How could you do this to me? After everything I've told you that happened to me? I opened up to you! I fucking told you everything! Only to find out it was a lie!" He looked like a deer in headlights. "Well? Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"I didn't want you to find out-"

"Of course not! Because I was just a pawn in your little game. I thought you were better than this, but it turns out that I was right about you from day one." He shakes his head and grabs my wrist as I go to turn around.

"Let go-"

"No. You need to understand that I never planned on going through with it. They day you called me at the cemetery, I knew it was more about fixing you than-"

"Fixing me?! I didn't need fixing then and I don't now." I yanked my hand away as a tear fell down his face. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry you did it? Or sorry you got caught?" He didn't answer, I just scoffed. "That's what I thought. Go fuck yourself."

I stormed back to the table to get my bag. My phone was ringing as the girls came up to me. "Emma what's wrong?" Charlotte asked, I shushed her and answered the phone.


"Is this Emma Bennet?"

"Yes, this is she. Who's calling?" The voice sighed. "This is officer Tate. I'm at the hospital your brother is in, I'm afraid I have some horrible news..." Tears streamed down my face harder. "What is it?"

"Your brother has been taken-"

"Taken?! Taken by who? I thought you said you had security on him! How the fuck does someone just waltz out of the hospital with a baby?!" The girls gasped. "I'm sorry Miss Bennet. We are doing everything we can to find him-"

"Yeah like you've been doing everything you can to find my mother's killer? Or even how you did everything you could to find out who almost killed me and my friends? I don't know how many times you have to hear this but get this through your thick fucking skulls. How many people have to die in order for you to actually do your fucking job?! Wake the fuck up and do something!" I hung up the phone with tears streaming down my face and anger running through my veins.

"What happened?" Lily asks nervously, I just laugh hysterically. "Someone took Nick. I'm going to find him. I have to go."

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Stacey asks, I nod as tears fall down harder. "Yes. Forget we ever met. I can't have you guys involved in this anymore. If I don't come back then at least I went out fighting." They looked at me confused as I ran to the parking lot.

I ran to the nearest bus station possible and got on the next bus. I need to do one thing. The thing I thought I would never do in my life.

I sat down in front of him, with a smirk on his face that I just wanted to rip off. "Hello Emma"

"Where is he Kian?" He just pouted. "Aw and here I thought you were here for a reunion." I slowly felt my anger rise. "I asked you a question."

"Oh come on Em. It's not everyday you get to see the love of your life. You know how I feel about you-"

"Don't do that. Don't try to worm your way into my life again. I asked you a question and I deserve an answer. Where is Nicholas?" He sighed. "I have no idea what you're talking about." He replied smugly, I slammed my hands on the table.

"Listen to me Kian. I'm giving you once last chance before I rip your head off right here and right now. He is a newborn baby stolen from the NICU. Where is he?!" I snap, he only laughs. I smack him. The guard didn't seem to care, it was kind of funny actually.

"You don't control me anymore."

"Well that's funny because it seems like I do. After all, the fate of our son lies in my hands-"

"He's not our son Kian! That's my baby brother. Ya know, the one you almost killed when you had your boys kill my mother. Our baby is long gone with a nice family that can care for him and provide unconditional love. I didn't want to take care of my brother but you and your minions left me no choice. I will go to the ends of the earth to protect him, and nothing you say or do will be able to stop me. I'll ask you one more fucking time. Where. Is. He?" He laughs in my face.

"That's ridiculous. Logan told me that you said you both were doing good." My face went blank. "Logan? You dragged him into this too?"

"Who do you think dropped off the letter when you were in LA?" My heart sank. That's why he asked me about Kian and the baby. But I told him I gave the baby up for adoption, why would he lie to Kian? Oh I swear when I get my hands on him I'm going to kill him.

"That's just wonderful. I love how you think you can just come back into my life and control every aspect of it. I'm not that shakey little chihuahua that I used to be. Im not afraid of you, and I know you won't do anything to hurt me. But the question is why not?" He looks at me as if I have three heads.

"Because I love you." I just laugh in his face. "You think this is love? Killing people I love and hurting people I care about is not love. It's called being a coward. Why? Because you're too afraid to actually face what you're feeling. You act all tough and act like you have this superiority but in reality there's just a scared little boy in there screaming to get out. You're not a man. You're a coward. And soon enough, you'll be nothing."

His eyes started to water, once again I laughed in his face. "Awe what's the matter Kian? Is the big bad wolf gonna cry? Go ahead. Cry like you made me cry countless times during our relationship. Cry like the baby you really are. The reality is, I'm stronger than you'll ever be, and I'm ready for anything. You can't control me anymore. Have fun rotting in your jail cell Kian." I got up without saying anything else, smirking victoriously as tears fell down his face.

I knew exactly where to go next.

Logan, I'm coming for you.

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