Chapter 20- She Knew

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Lily's POV
Both Emma and Sam didn't come into school until third period, and they came in together which only means one thing. She slept over. I need details like now!

Luckily it's gym and we have a sub so we basically can do whatever we want. I ran up to her and nudged her teasingly. "So did you get some?" I tease, she looks up and that's when I get a good look at her. She had dark bags and circles under her eyes which either meant that she didn't sleep last night, or she was crying. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just had a rough night that's all." I smirked teasingly, she just glared at me. "We didn't have sex. My mom called me with some news that made me extremely angry and mad and Sam comforted me and eventually I fell asleep on him so his mom left us on the couch."

"What did your mom say?" I question curiously, she tenses up. "She said... she's... she's pregnant and she refused to tell me who the father is. I started yelling at her and told her to fuck off." My eyes went wide.

"What?! That's crazy. How could she do that?" I shook my head, not knowing what to say next. "That's what I said. I mean dad died 11 months ago, and Christian just died and she barely mourned his death, yet she goes slutting it up with some crackhead and gets pregnant. I'm so mad you have no idea."

"I don't blame you. To be honest I'd be pissed too. Especially with all that has happened how could she do that?" I argue, she nods and puts her head in her hands.

"I know. But that's her problem now. As much as I'm pissed off there's no way in hell I'm helping her after everything she's done to me, and unfortunately now I have to go after school to tell Claire which is the last thing I want to do." She grunts in frustration, I sigh. "Do you want me to go with you?"

"You don't have to if you don't want to. After all it's going to be a pretty messed up conversation." I nod and grab her hand. "I know, but I want to. That's what friends are for, you shouldn't have to go through this alone. I'm here every step of the way."

"Hey Lily can I talk to you for a second?" Sam questions, I look at him in confusion. He doesn't have gym this period why is he skipping?

I walked over to him and realized that he had a concerned look on his face. "What's wrong?"

"I did some digging and asking around, and I realized who Mrs Bennett's baby father is." He ran his hand through his hair nervously, while I looked at him in anticipation. "We'll spit it out, who is it?"

"It's Liam." To say I was shocked would be a major understatement. This was the jaw drop kind of shocking. I can't believe this. "What? Why? How? I'm so confused!"

"So am I. Apparently they slept together after Emma beat the shit out of Liam because Mrs Bennet was doing community service-"

"Yeah some service. Who in their right mind has unprotected sex with a minor? Could it have been rape? I mean think about it this is Liam we are talking about." I question, he shrugs. "That's all I know. I asked my mom to do some digging and that's what she found. Please don't tell Emma-"

"Why would you tell me then?! You know I am the biggest blabber mouth in the entirety of the universe! Ugh why couldn't you tell Mike or Parker?" He crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow. "You think they are any better? Parker has become accustomed to your blabber mouth mechanisms and Grayson is even worse than the both of you combined."

"Still, you should've kept it to yourself, or told Emma directly." I protest, he sighs and shakes his head. "You saw what she did to Liam when he wasn't leaving Stacey alone, she'll literally kill him if she finds out about this."

"If Liam tells Kat then he's dead either way. Hell Claire might even know about everything, but I'm taking Emma to visit Claire and tell her the news so we will see what happens. Have you heard from Ben? He hasn't been home all weekend, do you think something happened?" He shrugs. "I'll look for Ben, you focus on Emma and I'll tell you what I found tonight okay?" I nod.

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