Chapter 3- Why Are You Being So Nice

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It was time for the party. I didn't even bother telling my mother because it's not like she cares what I do anyway and she was fine with Claire going to the party so there shouldn't be a problem.

"This party is going to be epic. Do you want to go home and change, I'll wait for you I promise." Lily said with a chuckle, I shake my head. "Going home is the last thing I want right now, especially after my fight with Claire because my mother will just take her side anyway."

"I can relate. Growing up, my parents would always take Ben's side and it was just so frustrating. You can borrow some of my clothes if you want. I'm sure you don't want to be in your school clothes all day." She says kindly, I shake my head again and smile.

"You're too kind, I'm fine with staying in my school clothes. It's not like I'm going to impress anyone anyways."

"Not even Sam?" She teases, I grunt and roll my eyes. "Especially not Sam. I'm stuck being his partner for dance and he's close with my sister now so she's telling him a bunch of personal things about our family that he shouldn't even know. That's one of the reasons I fought her today."

"Damn. You really need this party. Hey, can I ask you something?" I nod, gesturing for her to go on. "Why did you get scared when I mentioned the party earlier?"

"What are you talking about? I wasn't scared." I said with a chuckle, she shakes her head. "I'm studying human behavior analysis. I easily noticed that you were all jittery and your hands were shaking and the minute I mentioned it, your eyes started watering."

"Wow, you're good. Well, truthfully I was afraid because I was drugged at a party in my last school and it brought back bad memories that's all."

"Oh I'm so sorry. I feel like I forced you into this, we don't have to go-"

"No it's okay. I need to face my fears some time right? Might as well be in a new town where he can't hurt me." Oh shit. Stupid stupid stupid! Why did you have to say that?!

"I'm not going to grill you, whatever happened in your past happened, but I want you to know that I'm here if you want to talk, and I don't care if I've known you for a week or a day or a year, I will kick the ass of whoever tries to hurt my friends. So I'll tell you what, I have ice cream and cookies downstairs, why don't we have a movie night? You can sleepover, I'll lend you a pair of pajamas, it'll be fun. What do you say?" She holds out her hand and I couldn't help but smile.

"That sounds amazing." She smiled and handed me a pair of pajamas. I went into the bathroom to change and met her downstairs, on my way down I accidentally bumped into Ben. I like Ben, he's the only guy that I don't get jumpy around.

"I'm guessing you and Lily aren't going to the party?" He asks, raising his eyebrow, I chuckle. "Nope, we decided we're going to have a movie night, but look at you all dressed up. Impressing a girl are we?" I tease, he chuckles.

"Maybe. That depends on if any of the girls going are cute. It's a shame you aren't going, Sam really wanted to see you. He said he wanted to apologize to you, I'm guessing it has to with the reason you looked like you wanted to rip his head off earlier."

"I don't want anything to do with that boy. I get bad vibes from him, and he's kind of a douchebag so no thanks." He shakes his head. "Despite what you might have heard, Sam is a pretty nice guy once you get past his tough exterior. He acts like a douchebag because he went through something last year that changed him. We all have our problems, give him a chance."

"We'll see. I should get downstairs, have fun at the party. Oh and if you see my sister there, tell her she's a bitch. Thanks Ben." Without another word, I skipped down the stairs and met Lily on the couch.

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