Chapter 25- I Trust Her As Far As I Can Throw Her

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"Ugh! I can't believe we're leaving!" Lily whines, Parker chuckles. "Well believe it, we've got a long drive ahead of us."

"You ready to go?" Sam asked, I nodded. "I'm ready to say goodbye to this place. At first, coming here was hard, but now I've made a lot of great memories in this house. I'm ready to say goodbye to the past and hello to the future." I said with a smile.

Things between Sam and I have been okay since Christmas. We didn't kiss on New Year's Eve, but we're getting there. We both said some cruel things about each other that we need to get over first.

The ride back home was pretty fun. Once again I went with the girls, and we talked, laughed, sang karaoke. It was so fun.

Once we dropped off Stacey last, Lily and I started talking. "So are you and Sam back together now?"

"No. We're working past our differences. Both of us didn't know that we had those insults in each other, and we upset each other very much. Him more than me. So I guess as of right now we're just friends. Anyways, you and Parker huh?" I tease, knowing that they did the deed.

"Shut up!" She says with a laugh, I shake my head. "Um no, details missy!" I reply, making sure to imitate her, she laughs again.

"Gosh do I really do that?" She chuckled nervously, I grunt. "Don't change the subject! So how was it getting all down and dirty?"


"Come on! You make me tell you everything about my love life. Come on Lily!" I protest, she shakes her head and looks as if she's sees a ghost. "No Em, look." I looked up to see a bunch of police officers outside of my house, and caution tape around the garage.

I got out of the car with a look of shock. It was my moms car, half crushed in our driveway. "Mom? MOM!" I shouted, trying to rush over to the car. I was stopped by the police. "Miss you can't be here it's a crime scene-"

"This is my house! Is my mom okay? Is the baby okay?!" I shout, the police officer gives me a look of sympathy and takes me over to another officer. "This is officer Tate, he is going to escort you to the hospital now."

I got in the police car and we sped off to the hospital. "Why does my house look like a crime scene?" I question the officer, he sighs. "From what we've seen so far, your mother's break-line was cut, causing her to crash into the garage and break through the door."

"How long ago did this happen?"

"Looks like around 8 last night. Your mother is at the hospital now, that's why I am taking you. I don't know anything else." When we pulled into the hospital parking lot I immediately got out and ran inside with officer Tate.

I was met with a doctor who had tears in her eyes. "Miss Bennet, I think you might want to sit down." The doctor said sympathetically, I shook my head as tears started forming in my eyes. "Just tell me. Is my mom and the baby okay?"

"Due to the injuries sustained on your mother, we had to complete an emergency Caesarean section. The baby is okay, he's around six to seven months old so he will have to be in the NICU for a couple of weeks. Until then, we can start looking at options-"

"Options for what?"

"A guardian for the baby." The doctor said sympathetically. My heart sunk. "She's dead isn't she?" The doctor nods, I just start crying. I couldn't say anything, I just kept crying until there were no tears left.

Ben and Lily came rushing in. "Emma! What happened?" Ben asks, I grab on him right and start crying hard. "She's dead!"

"Miss Bennet-"

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