Chapter 13- Tell Him

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When I walked into school on Monday I was so confused because everyone was looking at me, Lily, Parker and Ben with either envy or with smiles.

"Why is everyone staring at us?" I ask Lily as we walk beside Ben and Parker, Lily shakes her head. "They aren't staring at us Emma, they're staring at you." She said sheepishly, I knew something was wrong.

"Why would they be looking at me?" I look over at Parker who has his head down. "I tried to fix the vote, but Katherine insisted that we play fair and threatened to call the principal."

"So what are you saying?" I raise an eyebrow, he just sighs as the bell rings. His sad expression easily turned happy as he started walking away. "Sorry, have to get to class, got a big test. See you guys at lunch."

"Do you guys know what he's talking about?" I question Ben and Lily, they both shook their heads but I could tell that Lily knew something because she's a horrible liar. However, before I could ask her she ran off to class as quick as Parker did.

"Every girl in this school is either glaring at me or worshipping me, I really don't understand what's going on." I said to Ben as we walked into class, he shrugged. "I don't either. People keep congratulating me but I don't understand why."

We sat in our floor spots like we usually do and listened to the announcements. I tuned out until the principal started talking about homecoming. "Do to the events at homecoming, none of our nominees were able to accept their crowns so our 2018 homecoming king is...Ben Carson! And our 2018 homecoming queen is...Emma Bennet! Congratulations. Please come to room 346 for pictures during your lunch period."

My eyes went wide as I entered a state of panic. That's what Parker meant when he said he tried to fix the vote but that bitch threatened him. Typical Kat. And now I'm going to be all over social media. Fucking shit.

Ben saw my worried expression and went to walk over to me but got yelled at by Mrs Reynolds in the process. Once again we had to work with our partners to do trust exercises which is ironic considering I don't trust my partner anymore now that his sister is back.

"Hey are you okay?" Sam asks, grabbing my hand, I chuckle. "Oh that's a wonderful question. No I am not Samuel, and you have your sister to thank for that."

"What did she do?"

"The question is what didn't she do. She may seem all sweet and innocent but that is the exact opposite of what she is. And it's thanks to her that I might not even make it to graduation." He shook his head. "I don't understand."

"I don't expect you to." I decided to remain silent for the rest of the period before I could say anything else that would incriminate me. Once the bell rang, I sped out of class and went to my locker to get my English notebook. Then I sped off to my English class and put my head down.

I can't believe this. Now Kian will have a chance to find me and it's all because of that bitch Kat. Oh when I get my hands on her I'm gonna-

"Hey, are you okay Em?" I was snapped out of my train of thought by Lily who was tapping me on the shoulder. "No I'm not."

"Is it because of the voting?"

"Of course it's because of the voting! Parker had my back and then fucking Kat ruined everything. Now I might as well be dead."

"Emma don't say that-"

"It's true Lily. If my ex finds me through social media I am as good as dead." I whisper shouted. Her eyes popped out when she realized why I've been so afraid this whole time. "He's dangerous isn't he?" I nod.

"Then I have a solution. We kind of already look alike but I could take the picture for you. It's not like any teacher is going to be there, just the photographer. Then if your ex sees it he'll think it's a different Emma Bennet."

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