The Three Musketeers

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This entirely Alex centric chapter.

Alex's POV

As soon as  Harry handed me the phone and pointed at the photo I knew who it was. I also knew Evelyn misunderstood Cole to be someone else. I never planned on correcting her . If I tell her the truth, then I need to tell her everything. I am not supposed to tell her anything. Hence I played along with it.

There was an uneasy silence once Evelyn said she knew Cole. She shouldn't be telling anything about him, that's what the ghost or as he explained, the conscience said.

A lot of things became clearer once I spoke with him. He told me everything that happened in the past and the ones that's happening now. I know who I am and I know what I am supposed to do.

"How do you know him?" Harry asked Evelyn.

"When my parents were in that accident, he was the one who helped them. He even dropped them back home. That's where I met him first. And then few days back I met him when we were returning from that party. He said his name was Paul. " Evelyn explained.

"Okay. So what's the thing with him you and visions then?" Harry inquired.

Evelyn remained silent. "I don't know anything about it." She avoided eye contact with Harry and me. Harry turned to me. "Me neither." I said before he could ask anything.

"If you both won't tell me anything, then how can I help you going in blindfold?" Harry whispered/yelled.

None of us said anything. "Fine." He huffed. "I know where I can get answers. I am going to bed now." He left both of us hanging.

"I thought we are not supposed to tell anyone about the nightmares." I reminded Evelyn.

"And I didn't tell anything to him." She defended herself. "What are you doing this late?" She asked me.

"I could ask you the same." I answered shrugging.

"Well, I am not the one who is meeting someone in secret." I had a poker face. "And you are acting all weird. You get to know about a map out of the blue and you won't tell me who told you about it. What is going on?" She asked me.

"There is nothing going on. If there is something I should let you know. I will. Trust me Evelyn." I assured her. "I am going to bed too. Good night." I ran up the stairs so she wouldn't ask anymore questions.

I opened the file he gave me. It had all the information I asked for. I went through few and kept it all under the mattress.

Sleep was not an option. My mind kept replaying all those things he said. If what he said becomes true then there is no end to this. I also know what Harry is going to do. I am going to do the same.

The next morning, I saw Ryder in the living room, watching TV all by himself. I took a seat beside him.

"What you want, Alex?" He asked me as soon as I sat.

"What? I am watching TV. I cannot watch?" I tried to be subtle.

He had that 'I know you are here for a favor, tell me before I lose my patience' face.

"Fine. You would be seeing Cole today right?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Also I am going to ask him about everything that's going on. Cause both of you are definitely not gonna tell me." He replied, annoyed.

"Can I join you?" I asked. But also added, "But Evelyn can't know." He looked confused. I continued. "I wish to know what he has to say. But with Evelyn, we might not know everything." He still wasn't sure. "Just take me with you." I yelled and finally he obliged.

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