The Unexpected Guest

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Hello hello.
I am still alive and well.
Hope all you lovelies are doing great and healthy.
Here is one, after an year and half of disappearance.
Not edited. Excuse me for the mistakes.

Chapter 39

Cole's POV

I brought Evelyn back to my home after she got discharged from the hospital. I just knew that taking her back to her home here or Liverpool would be a grave mistake. She was too off to comprehend what was happening around her. I decided to let her sleep it. I carefully put her on bed and placed the blanket over her.

I took my laptop and sat on the other side of the bed. Since I had missed few weeks of work, I decided to catch up with it.

I got few calls and messages from Ashton and Harry inquiring about Evelyn. I had not informed them about the encounter with Luke as I didn't know how Evelyn would have wanted them to know. I just replied Ashton that she was safe and here with me at my home.

Last night I was upset with what happened between Evelyn and myself. I don't know why but I let my guard down with her. I started feeling things when it's not even really present. Or are they there? It felt like I was drawn towards her. It is completely bizarre to even think that I would have kissed her yesterday.

That chat with her friends, I knew she didn't mean any of that that but still I felt heaviness in my chest and I took off before I could hurt her more. I am not such a person to do something without thinking it through. But with Evelyn, the lines are blurred and that I am always confused with my own feelings.

It felt as if we were a real couple. So much so that I can't stand Harry talking to her alone at night or Luke calling her at off time. That was what Ashton asked me when he pulled me aside after the 'almost kiss'. He was so convinced that I am in love with her and the worst part I would have accepted that.

If I was there at Evelyn's house, a second more after what I heard from her own mouth, I would have gone really mad, hence I drove last night back to my home. I shouldn't be mad at something like this, I can't be mad either. I don't really mean anything else to her other than just a person who helped her.

Does she feel confused as me?

It was around half past ten in the morning when I got a call from an unknown number. I was driving back to Liverpool to decide this once and for all. I didn't want to talk to anyone until I was clear of my mind but something made me to.

I am glad that I did, because it was Evelyn's voice that I heard, in an annoyed tone. I could hear another man's voice but couldn't comprehend clearly as to who was that. It wasn't someone I knew. But I froze when I heard the hushed voice of Natasha. What was she doing with Evelyn? If that was Natasha then Luke is also there. But where? At Liverpool?

I put the call on hold and called Harry. He told me that Evelyn had left home in the morning to come to Manchester to meet me. So, it wasn't just me who decided to clear the mind. I asked for the address and luckily I was only five minutes away.

I connected to Evelyn's call and heard all the things she said about me. Did she really love me? Or was it just a thing she said. I heard no sound all of sudden and just some whimper. What happened? I was by now at her gate and rushed in just to see Luke holding her hand from escaping and Evelyn on the ground crying.

I don't know what came over me that I threw multiple punches at Luke. I couldn't stand just watching her cry in pain, I couldn't control. I am not a violent person but I couldn't just see her like that.

Even at the hospital when she asked me to kiss her, I didn't know what came over me. I just had to kiss her. I didn't think of anything else. Nothing mattered. It was just me and her and the kiss. I had a need to kiss her and I have never felt anything like that. I could have just stopped myself or I could have not kissed her. But I didn't. I knew only one thing at that moment and that was to kiss her.

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