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The whole room went silent. I hurriedly grabbed a couple napkins and shoved them at him with another apology. Then I trashed my cup and sprinted out of the meeting room in embarrassment before he could say another word.

OMG Kristin Taylor Maldonado how could you put a bad rep on yourself in the first hour??? I mentally screamed at myself.
I sat in a stall, pretty much not caring about anything for what seemed like hours until a pair of heels clicked hurriedly in the bathroom.

"Kirsten, they're announcing the winners, hurry!" She yelled.

Out of the hundred contestants that participated in the NVTC, only twenty were picked, and then placed through tighter and tighter competitions for the finals.
Forgetting about Mitch, I ran back to the room . The announcer standing on a raised podium was waiting for everyone to calm down.

"Hello, fellow contestants!" He said, smoothing out a sheet of paper. "My name is Bill Micron, and I hope you've been enjoying your time here!"

There were a couple of weak claps from the audience. The tension was thick. Esther grabbed my hand, and Avi grabbed the other. Mitch was no where to be seen.

"The moment we've been waiting for! Now the announcements for the final winners of the NVTC's first assessment. First winner out of twenty, RACHEL APPLING!"

There was a break of applause, and Rachel, a girl with gorgeous auburn hair screamed and did usual I just won and I'm so happy dance with her friends.

"Scott Hoying, Mitch Grassi, Esther and Avi Kaplan-"

Esther and Avi both started screaming. (Okay Avi sounded like a whale trying to scream)

"Kevin Olusala, Lindsey Stirling, Jeremy Lewis..."

The whole room was filled with noise now. I wretched my hands away from Esther and Avi and scrambled closer to the podium to hear the guy better.

"...Scott Hoying, Kira Vale, and for our final winner..."

He paused. "Hmm, the last name seems to be scratched out. I can make out a K," he squinted. "An I-"
A lady walked up to him and pointed on the paper.
" Oh! Well lucky us!" Bill said. I felt my spirits soar. Finally! "There's a name filled in beneath it. The final winner is... Mitch Grassi!"

The ground swam beneath me feet and I stumbled to the ground. What? No!!

I sprinted up to the podium, an before Bill could react, snatched the paper out of his hands. I pointed to my scratched out name.

"Mr. Micron, that's my name! Someone erased it and put theirs!" I was almost in tears.

"We were going to accept you, Ms. Maldonado, but someone reported to us you were using- unsportsmanlike behavior outside."

"No no no! That wasn't me!" I nearly hit him in fury.

"Had to do with a coffee cup, I'm guessing." Bill muttered to himself, walking offstage. Most people were leaving already.

I became a sobbing mess. I cried and cried. I don't remember anything past that, only that Esther and Avi took me back to my car and I had a burning hate for Mitch.

And I didn't make it.

Summary: for some reason, Mitch was angered by Kirsti's actions and that he didn't win. He then scratched out Kirsti's name and put his in instead.

Last Chance to Win (Mirstie)Where stories live. Discover now