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The sun had risen when I finally stirred. Kevin was gone, and the rest of us were slouched on the chairs, same position as last night. I quietly stood up and stretched, careful not to wake anyone. I went to Mitch's bedside and grabbed his hand before leaning in to kiss his exposed cheek.

"Mitch..." I whispered. "Wake up-"

His head turned around and he grinned at me so suddenly I jumped. "Hi." He winced as he hit his injury and his grin disappeared.

"You're awake? When did you wake up?" I whispered shouted as I grabbed him in a hug.

"When you kissed me." He joked with a smile again. "Just kidding, for a few minutes I guess." He leaned in to kiss me, but I pulled away.

"What happened last night?" I demanded, standing up again.

He peered up at me, silently, looked away, and back again. "It was my dad. I made him mad, then he pushed me or something and I fell and hit my head, and I don't remember what happened after that. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause all this-"

I kissed him on the lips to shut him up. "This isn't your fault, Mitch."

He smiled faintly. "Yeah." His old sass seemed to be returning, a good or bad sign I couldn't tell.

"I mean it!" I said. I looked up as Kevin walked in, holding a bag of Starbucks. Kevin yelled in surprise and almost dropped the items when he saw Mitch.

"GUYS!" Kevin yelled. "MITCH'S ALIVE!"

In two seconds, everyone was crowding around Mitch, talking. The nurse quickly bustled in and declared Mitch okay to leave. She said she had contacted his parents and gave Mitch a small bag of meds and instructions.

When she left, Kevin handed out the Starbucks and we sipped hot drinks and ate bagels as Mitch rested. No one ate much, though. They all wanted to find out what really happened.

Mitch bit his lip, debating if he should tell or not.

"She didn't call my parents." He said suddenly. "He called Scott's. I gave her the wrong numbers." He laughed bitterly. He turned away so he wasn't facing us but the wall.

"Mitch," Esther began, standing up.

"Yeah. My parents technically hate me. I told my dad we won the NVTC, and he didn't believe it. Said I was a selfish, messed up liar who just wanted attention. We got in an argument, and he hit me. I hit him back, and... Yeah. Just another round of Mitch getting slapped around! Hooray!" His voice cracked at the end, full of rebounding pain and sarcasm.

Even Scott looked shocked. Clearly Mitch had never opened up to even him this much. Esther stepped forward to lay a hand on his arm, but Mitch pulled it away. "It's okay. I'm used to it."

I swallowed. Kevin asked, "how many times have you woken up unconscious like this?"

"I don't remember."

We all looked silently at each other. Mitch covered his face with his blanket as Scott approached to hug him. Kevin caught my eye and motioned to Avi. "We have to get him out." He mouthed. I nodded before taking a deep breath. "You're not going back there." I said sternly and suddenly.

"If I don't, I'll get hit some more." Mitch said flatly from under the sheet.

"No!" My voice rose. "You're not going back there! Stay at Scott's! Anywhere but there. We'll get your stuff for you and my parents will help with the legal guardian stuff-" I started to shake and spun around so no one could see my tears. "And get you out of there. We'll all help." Avi and Esther rushed up to wrap me in a hug.

Mitch's steely resolve suddenly melted when he saw me with tears in my eyes. Yanking himself away from Scott, he looked at me with anger in his eyes that melted to fear.

"Just take me away." He sank back into the bed facing away from us and silent sobs racked his body.

Last Chance to Win (Mirstie)Where stories live. Discover now