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More mirstie feels and a PTX audition on the way. Enjoy!

It was time. The very audition that would decide the fate of everyone who had taken part in the chorus. Finally, we would all find out if we won our way to the championships or had lost to the others. The judges were going to grade our songs or covers by tonality, advancement, and other requirements. While Rachel was performing her cover of "Shake it Off" by Taylor swift, we were huddled together in our seats, nervous and shivering. Mitch grabbed my hand reassuringly. "You'll do fine, Kirst." He said softly. He leaned in and brushed his lips against my cheek and I smiled. "You too."

"Thank you, Rachel." Mr. Micron said. As Rachel walked off the platform, he looked at his list again. "Next up, Kirstin, Mitch, Kevin, Scott, and Avi. All five of you!"

We more or less scrambled onstage as I twisted my bracelet nervously. Scott found our starting note for us and we spaced ourselves equally on the platform. I nervously looked at the four of them and to the waiting students. But there wasn't much time to worry. Kevin counted four beats for us and we launched into our song.

"Hello, hello, baby, you called?
I can't hear a thing
I have got no service
In the club, you say, say?
Wha-wha-what did you say, huh?
You're breakin' up on me
Sorry I cannot hear you
I'm kinda busy
Kinda busy
Kinda busy
Sorry I cannot hear you I'm kinda busy.

I sang the first lyrics confidently as everyone else started the backup notes. As the song went on, I gained my confidence right back. Expressively stating the feel of the song, I continued. In the corner of my eye I could see Scott and Kevin who were totally enjoying themselves.

Just a second
It's my favorite song they're gonna play
And I cannot text you with a drink in my hand, eh?
You should've made some plans with me
You knew that I was free
And now you won't stop calling me
I'm kinda busy

Flipping my hair behind my shoulder, we leapt into the chorus and began to move around the stage in our routine. I moved five steps to my right in a way to catch the audience's attention.

"Stop calling, stop calling I don't want to talk anymore, I left my head and heart on the dance floor."

In turn, each one of us took turns with the melody, first me, then Scott, than Mitch. The whole time, we didn't mess up once and I could tell the audience loved it. I almost couldn't help but stare at amazement at ALL of us. I felt like the five of us were meant to be together as an amazing band.

As we sang the final note, the audience stood up and burst into wild applause, so wild it couldn't be stopped for minutes. Everyone was hollering and cheering for us as we took multiple bows, smiling our faces off.

Through a haze of glory, we sat back down at our seats as the other students performed. Everyone did amazing, but in the back of my mind I knew only 5 singers, or 5 groups could win. Not all of us would bring home the golden spotlight. After the last contestant group had sang, the judges and Micron thanked us and we were dismissed for the day. Not until tomorrow would we find out who would win.

As we left the chorus shakily, Kevin patted me on the back.

"You okay, Kirstin?" He asked.

I gave him a smile. Just thankful it's over."

"You know, when we become rich and famous we'll be doing shows like this all the time." He smiled.

"If we win. IF."

"We were meant to be! All of us!" Scott threw his arms around Mitch and Avi's shoulders and grinned at Kevin. "Still have to think of a name, though."

"Let's get bubble tea as celebration!" I suggested. Everyone agreed and we walked down the street, wishing with all our hearts we would win.

Next chap you'll find out- BIG NEWS!!! Also I wonder what their band is going to be called... Jk jk everyone knows;)

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