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Also tbh I've been listening/reading/watching a lot of PTX lately. I'm obsesseddddddddd!

The next morning, I woke up and got dressed and got ready for school in a hazy mode. I barely smiled at Olaf and paid no heed to his barking and didn't say much to my parents. I ate cold leftover rainbow lasagna (with extra cheese) without tasting it. I moped around and then went to school and came home. I only thought of Mitch and of nothing else much.
Shame on you for falling for him, Kirst! I scolded myself. I kept glancing at my phone for a text or word from somebody but there was none. Aside from the little romantic mishaps from school, I had never really felt heartbreak before. Now i probably was feeling it. Between binge watching episodes of Modern Family I cried a little and cuddled Olaf. I was comforted Olaf was here, but he was just a dog. In my seventh episode of binging in, my mom came in and abruptly turned off my phone.
"What's wrong?" She asked, snatching my phone away. "You've been moping around all day."
I froze and tried to look normal. (Mascara was probably all over my cheeks). "Uhh... Friend problems."
"Go on," my mom urged, sitting on my bed.
Trying to act casual, I sat up and pretended to fold some clothes. "Well, I can't be friends with someone because I'm apparently gonna offend them-"
"Is it Mitch?" She interrupted.
"How did you know?" I demanded, surprised. I dropped a blue sock.
"Just around. You've been talking about him a lot. And didn't he come over?"
"Yeah..." I said. "Well, the stuff with his dad too. I'm just worried about him."
"I see." My mom said. "Just rest up and it'll be better." She turned to leave.
"Yeah... YEAH!" Suddenly I popped off the bed with a bright idea. Just rest up and it'll be better. I ran around the house and began Mitch's Great Get Well Project.
An hour later, I held a box containing random things from around the house- spare furry house socks my dad had bought, a Beyoncè t-shirt that I bought that was too big for me, a pack of gummy bears, tea candles, five holo marbles in a neat string bag, and a cd of classic rock hits from the 80s. I also stuck in a leftover soft blanket from last Christmas's clothing drive my mom held last year.

Scott hadn't said I couldn't be friends with him right? And I definitely could send him a little gift and shed some understanding and kindness and some cliche support!
"Kirst, can you walk Olaf?" My dad called from the kitchen.
Tying up the box securely, I marched out of my house with Olaf tagging along. The ten minute walk to Scott's seemed breezy and I hummed to some music while Olaf pranced along. Other than tugging him away from another dog and stumbling over a piece of loose concrete, it was mostly uneventful.
At the apartment, I cautiously climbed the stairs to his apartment and rang the bell nervously. The moment I reached for the doorknob the door swung open and there stood Mitch, holding a box.
"Uhh... I got you gifts." We said at the same time. "Wait what?" We said at the same time again.
All of a sudden we were laughing. Mitch held out his box, which contained a small box of candy, a Netflix gift card and a bunch of long stemmed daisies.
"Wow." I said. "Why'd you do that?"
"Felt bad about yesterday." He shrugged, looking in mine. "Is that for me? Why?"
"Felt bad about yesterday!" I repeated. I was half expecting Scott to leap out from behind Mitch and yell: "WOW YOU GOT HIM GIFTS U GUYS CAN DATE NOW WOOHOO!" But he didn't (truth: Scott was in the bathroom) Mitch took my box and handed me his. "Well, we have rehearsals tmw here at two pm?" He said. "Gotta start working."
"I know." I said. "I'll be here, no matter what happened. Or happens." Sensing my time here was over, I turned to head back down the stairs but Mitch grabbed my wrist and pulled me up to face him. In a split second he was kissing me deeply.
Whoawhatwhyhowwhaaaaatwhereisthisreaalllllll my brain yelled.
He broke away. "I still love you." He mumbled before crashing his lips on mine again. We kissed for a few slow seconds, him intwining our hands together and holding me close as we made out (hehe) before he let me go. "Bye, Kirstin." He said a bit sadly.
"Bye Mitchy boy." I replied, sad the bliss of the kisses were over.

Yeheeeeee. Next chapter will be the last one! Any suggestions for what is to happen? Thanks to you guys for reading and sticking to this I update slow cuz of school and stuff and speaking of which I am supposed to be doing homework and I'm hecka tired😂 oh welllssss I love fanfiction!

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