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⬆️⬆️⬆️ Elsa+ Kirsten= some pretty sick fanart

"Kirst, can you pass me the plate?"

My hand stayed at my plate, fiddling with the same piece of pizza crust.

"Kirst? You okay sweetie?" My mom asked, handing the plate of pizza to my dad. You seem distracted."

I groaned and rolled my eyes as my teardrop necklace I was wearing  fell onto my plate. "Nothing much. Just a bit stressed about the championships, I guess." I replied dutifully.

"Well, I'm done." My mom stood up. "We'll clean up Kirst- I want you to do well on your song."

I gave her a quick hug. "Thanks mom-" I suddenly spied a stack of DVDs placed against the window, and the night sky beyond them.

Kissing in the moonlight, movies on a date night...


An hour later, my head hit my desk. I finished the song, Can't Sleep Love.


"Welcome to rehearsal, students!" Mr. Micron said after we had been called to order. "Today, you should have turned in your copy of a made up song. I hope it was a lot of fun to do!"

"It was challenging." Someone muttered next to me.

"One of the most important parts of music is often the lyrics. Lyrics express things, making the mood happy, sad, or in a certain feeling. Of course, the music, song presentation and dynamics is very important- often overlooked, but lyrics! Even in instrumentals and non voiced pieces, it still chants out in a way. Such as the slow, low notes feeling down and sad, the high and light notes feeling happy and cheerful."

Did people like Taylor Swift and Beyoncè have to put up with lectures like these? My mind wondered. The girls in front of me had their heads bunched together and were giggling. Naturally, I wondered what was so funny. I stood up a little from my desk to see what they were looking at.
The meme caught my eye and I let out a loud laugh before I could restrain myself. The girls turned around to look at me. I sat down as fast as I could and winced as my butt hit the chair.

Mr. Micron instantly stopped talking. "Kirsten, is there a problem?"

I jumped. "No sir, sorry." I said.

"...and here are worksheets I want you to work on." Mr. Micron said.

I giggled again. Dat boi memes always got me no matter how many times i saw it. I was in quite a good mood for the rest of rehearsal, until a packet landed on top of my desk containing the judges' feedback on my song.

Kirsten, well done! We were very intrigued by the lyrics and the well composed notes. However, this won't work...

I read the rest in quite a shock. What?! They didn't like it?!

Last Chance to Win (Mirstie)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora