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A full week later...

I woke up to the smell of hot toast and coffee. I woke up slowly and got ready for school. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and then put on my makeup. My outfit was a light blue sweatshirt and acid washed jeans with white converse. Greeting Olaf, I bounded downstairs with my backpack.

"Hi mom and dad!" I called. Grabbing a muffin and a cup of chai, I almost shoved it down my throat in excitement.

"Whoa whoa- Kirsten!" My dad called, putting his cup of coffee down. "What's the rush?"

"Da-ad- the first rehearsal for the NTVC is today!" I yelled, giggling. "How could you forget?"

My mom and Olaf came to the door to see me off. My mom was wearing her work clothes already. "Bye Kirsten! Do well and DON'T doodle!"

I ran out the door and all the way to the bus stop, feeling today would be the best.

_________________________________ A/N I'm calling the NVTC "chorus" from now on:P

The chorus met in he main assembly hall that afternoon. When I got there, people were milling around and talking, waiting for rehearsal to start.
I saw Avi and Esther and went to talk to them. After a while, the director called attendance and we went to out labeled seats. I scanned the row, looking for mine. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw my seat was assigned next to Esther's.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the first rehearsal! The main purpose of this rehearsal is to determine your strength and stability in your voice and to discover others' talents as well. We are looking forward to bonding each other and having fun!"

I had to say, rehearsal was quite fun. First we did warm ups together, then we had some time of solo practicing and advice. We also did a bunch of other interesting things. At the end, we split up in groups of five and played a game. Every group was supposed to come up with a short clip of a song and harmonize it. The winners would get credentials for their ending score.

"Okay guys," a group member named Kira asked. "Any ideas?"

"We should do a song with a lot of harmonizing." Avi said. "Listen!" He sang a scale all the way down to an incredibly low note. "See! With a range like that-"

"Quit showing off, Avi!" Esther gave her brother a punch. "As showy as a peacock with feathers." She muttered to me.

"I like Avi's idea." Kira said, pushing a lock of purple hair off her face.

I gasped. "How about Swingle Ladies?"

"L-A-M-E!" A voice yelled behind me. My insides automatically cringed as I recognized it.

Everyone turned to look at Mitch Grassi, who was spreading a copious amount of hair gel into his almost dripping bangs.

"We should totally do Halo by Beyoncè." He sassed, throwing me a distracted glance. That giant Scott Hoying who was next to Mitch nodded and did that little hand flip at me. "Totes."

"Uh, this is a group decision." I said. "Besides, Swingle Ladies is a great-"

"L-A-M-E." Mitch roared with laughter, and a large glop of hair gel landed in his eye. "OWWWWW!!! SCOTTABOY HELP ME!" Scott whipped out some Kleenex from his pocket and thrusted it at Mitch.

I felt better when that happened. Instead of minding my own biz, I turned around and snarled only loud enough for him to hear- "Serves you right, you "pretty" and really stupid boy!"

At twelve, the rehearsal ended and we split up. Avi really wanted to go home and crash, so me and Esther walked to the nearest Starbucks and decided to get something. We left our stuff behind in the rehearsal room to make everything easier. Then to my disgust, I saw Mitch crossing the street across from us, heading our way. Thankfully Scott wasn't with him. We stepped inside the Starbucks and both decided to get soy lattes and rasperry glazed muffins. We were about to order when a head of overgelled hair cut right in front of us, bringing in the air of dissatisfaction and disgust.

Last Chance to Win (Mirstie)Where stories live. Discover now