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Sad news guys. Probably the worst news I've heard in a long time. Avi is leaving PTX (due to family and other problems) and they announced it this morning. I am literally so sad right now. Avi literally carries the soul in PTX and without him things will be so different. This isn't a prank, it's actually happening- check PTX's Facebook and Instagram. It's for the best however and I do wish good luck to his future:)

Saturday finally dawned bright and early. I practically sprang out of bed to brush my teeth while I dashed around, packing my stuff into my backpack. I put on a light teal t-shirt, a pair of acid washed jeans and a white turtleneck sweater. Tying my blonde hair back in a ponytail, I slid on my shoes and hopped out the door, but not before sliding my hand into my pocket and drawing out the bracelet. This better work, I thought.

My parents had to leave for work early so the house was quite silent except for a snoozing Olaf. Giving him a pat on the head, I went outside to my car.

I arrived at NVTC half an hour early so there was hardly anyone there. I said hi to the people there and went to the practice room and immediately started warming up my voice. The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains and a breeze blew into the room smelling of breakfast. My stomach growled and I realized I had skipped breakfast entirely. Ignoring my stomach, I turned back to the piano and started to sing as a warm up. I wanted to sound my best today.

"Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high." I sang.

"There's a land that I dreamed of, once in a lullaby." A voice behind me concluded.

I turned around to see Mitch just walking in the door, holding a bag from Starbucks. "Want some breakfast?" He offered.

"Oh hey!-" my voice was cut off when I saw him. Mitch's previously black hair was bleached a fair blonde. Now instead of his skin looking pale, he actually looked tanner. He was wearing his usual clothes, a t-shirt under a band sweater and dark capris.

"W-Wow!" I blurted out. "You look great!"

He shrugged. "I decided to go for a change. I'm glad you like it. Anyways, did you want food?"

I gave him a grin, sitting down at the piano seat with my arms crossed. "Soo... Is this technically a date?"

Mitch blushed, putting his hands to his face. "I just offered-"

"A date it is!" I giggled. "Sure I'll have some."

Mitch slowly set the bag down on the table and began drawing items out. Two breakfast panini, two raspberry muffins and two hot cocoas. He looked up at me with a grin as he did a playful bow. "So, my I present milady with the finest picks from the popularized five star café?"

I curtsied in reply, laughing. "Of course, my knight in shining armor! You saved this damsel in distress from peacefully dying from hunger!"

We sat down and began to eat. The whole time, we talked and the half hour quickly sped by. We could hear more students gathering outside and we both jumped when a certain Avi yelled booch about five feet away from the door. Now anyone saying booch is no biggie, but when Avi says it in that deep, reverberating bass, it scares the heck out of you.

A few minutes later, we could hear the students start to go into the main room for warm ups. By this time, we had long since finished eating and we were sitting against the wall talking, the whole time scooting as close as we dared to each other. I couldn't help catching his scent- a clean, refreshing shampoo smell.

As Mitch launched into a story on how his cat had gotten his claws tangled in Scott's hair while Scott was sleeping, my hand subconsciously drifted toward my pocket where the silver bracelet lay. Stop chickening out and ask him! I scolded myself. I glanced at the clock. We only had a few minutes before rehearsal began.

"...and then Scott was like, 'omg did you stick needles into my hair Mitch cuz I just washed it' and I was like 'no duh I wasn't even here before it was Wyatt'-"

"Uh, Mitch?" I interrupted shyly.

"Was I rambling?" He asked, looking surprised.

"No, not at all-" the words came out in a huge rush. "Well, ever since Rachel's party I've been wanting to ask this, so here we go."

I took the necklace from my pocket and before I could change my mind or get hit in the head with a music stand, I got on one knee like a proposing guy, holding out the bracelet with one hand. "Mitch Grassi, will you be my boyfriend?"

For a second, Mitch stared at me like I was crazy. Then a huge grin spread on his face and he reached into his pocket and drew out the exact same bracelet. He got on his knee and asked, "Kirstin Maldonado will you be my girlfriend?"

"Wait, we have the exact same bracelets?" I wondered, laughing and crying at the same time.

"I was going to ask you out, too! That's why I came in here, it was a date!" Mitch said. "I'm not just going to sit around while this beautiful girl goes bazooka about her feelings for me."

Suddenly, I realized he was still holding out the bracelet for me. I jumped up and down, squealing. "Yes, yes, yes!"

"And I say yes to you too!" He squealed, and accepted my bracelet before standing up as well, and automatically the both of us leaned in and kissed.

Our first kiss as a couple lasted for several seconds and it was amazing. When we finally broke apart, Mitch was grinning like crazy. "Good luck today, Kirstin."

"I don't need luck when I have you." I pulled him into my arms for a hug. "Now, it's time to shock everyone with our singing!"

I promise, PTX will finally sing as one in the next chap. I hope you fainted from the Mirstie feels cuz I sure did. See ya!

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