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Yo peeps I'm back!

I walked home in a beautiful daze. Everything was shrouded in a shimmering golden mist, sound ceased to a minimum, and I walked a foot above the ground- I was so happy. All night, as I did my homework and chores and regular stuff, I couldn't stop thinking about Mitch. I was working on my chorus homework when I heard my phone vibrate.

Mitch: Hey Kirstin, this is random but I think you're really pretty😍

Me: Aww;) I think you're cute!

My chest was all warm and fuzzy when I got that message. The fact that me and Mitch were almost a couple was so exciting. I continued smiling as I turned back to my work. Thanks to the help of my fellow colleagues, my song was all done. I looked with satisfaction at the music and edits I finally finished. After working with La La Latch since the beginning of the chorus year, I had finally completed it! Clearing my throat, I decided to sing the whole thing.

...Coverin' my ears like a kid! Cuz when your words mean nothing I go la la la...

I didn't feel satisfied with my song when I was done. It seemed, well, boring. I felt like it needed a lot more of something, but what? Just my voice didn't seem like it would cut it.

I tossed that thought around my head while I finished the rest of my homework, which included the history of famous musicians, modern pop culture, sound recording software information and that jazz. I finished up around eight and decided to hit up my friends for help on my song because I was feeling desperate. Texting or waiting till Saturday wouldn't be enough! I then went on my phone cuz why not.

To: NTVC Group Chat

Rachel: Hey y'all this chat is for all of us to rant on💖💖💖

KIRSTIN, MITCH, SCOTT, AVI, KIRA, KEVIN, and +3 more were added to the chat by RACHEL

AVI, KEVIN, RACHEL, and KIRSTIN are online

Avi: Hey guys

Kevin: SUP

Me: hellooooo fellow queeeeens💘

Avi: And kings👑👑👑

Kevin: And potatoes

Avi: And meat

Kevin: Meat and potatoes!!!

Me: Sorry to interrupt this little food fest guys, but I have a question.

Rachel: ask away!

Me: can anyone come to my house tmw to practice?

Rachel: What time?


Kevin: Avi calm down!!!

Me: around 7pm I guess.

Rachel: Sorry, I can't make it. Got grandma dinner appointment

Kevin: Got church stuff

Avi: Yoga class

Kevin: You do yoga?

Avi: Yup and I make sure to bash everyone around with my mat

Me: Poop. I guess I'll binge watch the Exorcism while sobbing into a bowl of popcorn:/


Me: jk jk

SCOTT is online

Scott: Hello my lovely fruits and veggies


Scott: ok??? Also sorry Kirst I have to film a video for YouTube tmw:( v sorry but I can't come over

One by one, they all declined my invitation. Was no one seriously going to help me? Nobody seemed interested in coming over to help me, so I left the chat. Eventually I silenced my phone because it was just buzzing off the table with MEAT AND POTATOES texts.


Later, I was lying on my bed with my hand over my eyes, stressed from the music. I heard a knock on my door and looked up. My mom was there. "K, why don't you come out and eat dinner? You should take a break from your music."

"Ugh, mom! Something seems wrong about my song! I can't get it right!" I groaned, rolling over to face her. "And plus, no one's available to help me tomorrow!"

"Sweetie, I'm sure it'll be fine! You just need a break."

The growl of my stomach was unavoidable. I got out of bed and followed her to the kitchen. Between bites of rainbow lasagna, I described my situation.

We talked for a bit, then my mom suggested something. "Maybe you just need a few more voices to sing with you-"

My screen lit up and I glanced at my phone.

Mitch to NTVC Group Chat: hey Kirstin I can come over tmw to help u!

"Thank you soo much!!!" I yelled at to no one in particular.

My mom laughed. "Are you thanking me, the person who texted you, or that amazing lasagna I made?"

Ooohhhhh Kirstin and Mitch are gonna be all alone tmw! In Kirstin's bedroom! Wonder what they are going to do... *wink wink* Also does Avi really do yoga? Hmm...

Also I'm concerned I'm making this story way too long. Should o wrap it up soon or make it longer? Please review!!!

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