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Listen to PTX'S "Rose Gold" while reading this! It'll make the whole experience better;)

I was lying on a soft gold tinted cloud way up in the sky. It was sunset, but one I've never seen before. The dome of sky above me was breathtakingly pure gold, fading to a rose pink horizon and falling into an azure blue, which turned darker and darker until it faded to navy under me. There was so land present under me, however. There was just an endless stretch of navy blue sky under me spangled with twinkling stars. It was just me and the gorgeous sky and the gold tinted cloud under me. I sighed. It was so peaceful up here. I was all alone. All of a sudden, someone cleared their throat beside me and I turned to look. Mitch was next to me, staring into the endless dome of gold sky. "Hello, Kirsten." He said.

"Hey." I replied.

"It's nice and quiet up here." Mitch breathed. "Almost like no one exists except us."

"Yeah." I replied. Suddenly a straightened. "It's beautiful. I want to write a song on this."


I smiled, sitting up. Tracing my hands in thin air, I wrote the words.

We could be classic
We could be diamonds
We could be stars
We could be rose gold...

"Rose Gold." Mitch propped himself up on his elbows. "Is that the name of the song?"

I shrugged, then turned to him. "What are you doing here?"

He stood up. "I have no idea. But the only thing to do is to wake up."

I frowned at him, confused. "I don't want to leave. Not yet, anyways." I tilted my head to the golden sky. " It's too beautiful.

Smiling, we laid back down on the cloud. Mitch reached into the fluffy softness and dangled over me me a see- through locket that contained a diamond, a classic ring, a bunch stars and a gem of rose gold. His eyes glinted with mischief. "Maybe this will help with songwriting." He explained, "and I want you to have it." He then started to reach for my hand, but I yanked it away.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I argued, declining the locker with a wave of my hand. "First you're the 'bed of nails' bully and all of a sudden you're a total Romeo!"

He looked away. "Fine. I was being so mean because... I was jealous. You were so good at everything, the only thing I thought of doing was making you feel like a jerk. But after a while, that got boring. And plus my conscious told me it was wrong."

"I forgive you." I said more gently, pressing my cheek against cloud. "I knew there was good in you after all. But you sure acted like a total jerk." I reached for the locket, then giggled. "But- giving the locket is like you're proposing to me."

He blushed, shoving my shoulder. "Shut up!" We're not even dating. I'm just trying to help."

We laughed, letting the cloud consume us in a cool softness. We laid there for a while, for how long I don't know- staring at the different shades of gold the sky had to offer. All of a sudden, Mitch turned to me one last time. "Goodbye, Kirstin."


"It's time to wake up." He pulled me into his arms and pressed a kiss to my lips, then gently shoved me off the cloud. I tumbled down, the heavenly gold world of my dream fading away fast and unfamiliar notes of song rushed into my dreaming ears.

Starting like a movie scene...
Once upon a London street oh- oh...
Like a myth, the story of our lives
Wouldn't fit into only black and white........


My eyes sprang open as the dream was faded away and my conciousness poured back into my fuzzy brain. When my eyes focused, I realized my mom and dad were crowded above me. They were still wearing their business suits, which probably meant thy had sprang right from work and had dashed over.

I turned my head to my mom. "Where am I?" I asked in a croaky voice.

She threw her arms around me with a relieved laugh. "You're at the hospital, Kirsten! You've been drifting in and out of conciousness-"

"We should tell her what happened." My dad cut in. He smiled at me, but it was a serious one.

"What?" I tried to shout, but my body felt heavy. "I can't move very well."

"Kirsten, calm down." My dad said. "We still don't know who hit you, but apparently your friend Mike- or was it Mitch, might have a better explanation for what happened."

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