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Sorry for all the delays, guys. A major writer's block and a chapter delete later, here we are! Anyways, I decided to take out the part where Kirstin got shot, because it was kind of dark for this fluffy fic. Enjoy!

I tapped my pen on my paper insistently, willing lyrics to some how spring out the tip. Ever since the big drama fit with Esther, we haven't talked. She was immediately removed from the chorus and no one knows anything else. I was fine with that.

"O-oh!" A voice called outside my window. I sat up, surprised. Who was that?"

I walked over to the window and opened it. Olaf was sitting outside in the yard where my dad was raking leaves, scratching his ear.

"Hey Olaf!" I called. He barked in response.

"Hey Kirst!" My dad called. How's the songwriting going?"

"Great!" I called back, reaching up to tighten my ponytail.

"I hope-" my dad paused as his phone rang in his pocket. He looked at the caller ID and opened the call immediately and ran back into the house. "Gotta take this call, be right back!"

Olaf, barked when seeing no one was around and began to romp around in the neatly piled leaves. I watched as the piles of leaves were destroyed as Olaf bounced through them.


"Olaf!" I yelled. "Stop!" I slid on my shoes and dashed outisde. "Bad dog!"

Olaf saw me and started to run, barking merrily. I chased him out the side yard and on the street. We ran all the way down the street and I tried to grab his collar. "OOF!" I stumbled and almost fell.

"OLAF! Bad dog! Come back!"

Olaf finally stopped and I grabbed his collar. "All right, enough!" I yelled, panting. My ponytail was all askew now. "No treats tonight for you."


I turned around as Olaf's tail whacked me right in the face. "OWW!"

Mitch and Scott were standing behind me. Mitch was holding Wyatt Blue the cat and Scott was holding some dog by the leash.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, hey." Scott said. "We were just taking and extended route to walk Pascal." He motioned to the dog. "You live here?"

"Yup." I replied. "Just down the block."

"Wow..." Mitch breathed.

"Anyways," I said. "What's your cat doing here?"

"I don't know, I just like carrying him around." Mitch said with a laugh.

"Do you wanna join us on our walk?" Scott offered. "We can help each other with the song lyrics."

"Sure." I said. We continued down the sidewalk, talking. I almost wanted to tell Mitch about my dream but I thought it was kind of inappropriate with Scott around.

"...So, I kind of want my song to be poppy." Scott explained. "Like a dance party song." Pascal squirmed uncontrollably in his arms. "Pascal! Stop!"

Pascal started to bark and nag and squirm. He tried as hard as he could to get out of Scott's arms.

"Uh, Scott? You might want to-"

Pascal finally relaxed and stopped barking. But not before a large wet stain began spreading on Scott's shirt.

"EWWWWWW!!!" Scott yelled.

Me and Mitch laughed like crazy. "You should have put him down first!" I yelled, slapping my leg.

"Okay, I'm going to change. Sorry guys, but I Scotta blast!" Scott made another face as he began to jog back.

When we were done laughing, Mitch sighed and a sad look crossed his face. We sat down on a nearby bench to catch our breath.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "You look sad."

Mitch shrugged. "Just a little worried. My songwriting isn't going to well. Scott's being trying to help me, but we haven't gotten much done."

"I can help you!" I jumped up. "I had this dream..."

I told him all about the dream I had of him and me in the clouds. He listened carefully the whole time, and when I was done he cheered and gave me a fist bump. "Thanks! That actually gave me some ideas."

"I was going to use it for myself." I admitted, rubbing my arm. "But I figured you should have it. Plus. I have some other songs I could use too."

"Thank you sooooooo much!" Mitch exclaimed again. Wyatt Blue meowed softly.

Suddenly an adorable smirk spread across his face. He giggled to himself.

"What?" I asked.

"Wait... How'd you dream about me in the first place?" He was smirking at me now.

I blushed. "It's not what it sounds like- ugh!" I covered my face with my hands.

"Jeez, Kirsten!" Mitch laughed. "I'm kidding! I meant you're a great friend."

"You are too." I replied softly. We looked at each other for a second then blushed and looked away.

Then Mitch stood up. "Hey, I guess I should head back now. I want to start writing these ideas down before I forget them. Also Scott's probably going to leave his doggy pee soaked shirt under my bed covers or something."

I laughed. "Okay, see you."

Before I knew it, I had stepped in to hug him! He hugged my waist for a second before letting go, and I felt strangely warm all over.

"Thanks." He shot me a golden smile. "See you around!"

I watched him walk away before snapping out of my state, shaking my head with a smile as I walked Olaf home.

Mirstie feels, guys, Mirstie feels...
Thanks for reading!

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