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We had finished most of our rehearsals by now. I couldn't believe
1 1/2 months had passed so fast! It has been a blast, save for the unavoidable drama I had to deal with.

As the third to last rehearsal drew near, I became less stressed about my songwriting and more stressed about Mitch. He told me that Rachel claimed she and him were in a relationship as a joke, that I took no offense to. Secretly, I was glad he was single. I had to admit, I was starting to like him! Or, was I? I made a ton of friends at chorus and the fun rehearsals became something I'd look forward to every single week. I told myself not to take for granted this chance I had for fame. But still Mitch kept poking into my mind. His past seemed slightly shrouded from me. Besides him staying over occasionally at Scott's or vice versa, and his cat Wyatt, I really didn't know any of his family members or relatives. And how touchy and overreacting he acted somehow worried me. Sometimes I felt like hugging him for no reason but was afraid to because it might make things awkward.

But what worried me the most was the ending. Only five finalists were picked out of more than the twenty or more that had gotten in. I imagined the disappointment and sadness of those who didn't get to the finals. We had all worked so hard. And what was even worse was this was some people's only chance. This championship would most likely land them in great schools and future jobs that could be only achieved once in a lifetime. If not, they would just have to scrape along with what they had.

"-ooh I totally love that song-"

"Give me that trash-"


"Yeah, Kevin?" I called back. We were at the third to last rehearsal currently in lunch break. I had just been enjoying my delicious macaroni with Rachel, Scott, Avi, and others in the cool shade of the chorus building.

The beefy dude jogged up to me, almost out of breath. "Can you come with me? Mitch told me he wanted to get you."

I frowned, setting my lunch down. "Is he okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, he just wants to see you." Kevin answered. "That mac sure smells good! C'mon."

"-OMJIGGLES IS THAT BEYONCÈ!" Scott was yelling.

"Okay no one take my lunch!" I called over my shoulder.

"Hey Kirst just left anyone wanna split her mac?" Scott ignored me.

"SCOTT!" I yelled.

"Okay, I was just kidding!"

I followed Kevin back into the building. We walked side by side into the hall and Kevin pointed inside one of the small practice rooms. "He's in there."

"Thanks." I said. Kevin shot me a quick grin and jogged off.

I walked inside the room where Mitch was sitting and facing the room's piano. When I went in, he jumped up from the bench and started bouncing up and down, grinning like crazy. "I'm so happy! I'm so happy!" He giggled.

"Why?" I asked, smiling a bit myself.

"Because you're here!" He answered happily.

I laughed and blushed a bit. "But, what did you need help with?"

"I loved your song SO much." Mitch went on. "I just did some edits and stuff, but i love it!"

I sat down on the piano bench next to him, looking at the hand written notes and music phrasings on the piano stand. Along with my writing was some quick edits and markings.

"Aww, thanks!" I said, pleased.

Mitch suddenly turned to me again with a dreamy smile on his face. "Your dreams are truly wonderful." He said with a happy sigh.

"Oh, it was nothing." I giggled.

"You should, like dream more often!"

"Dream of what, then?!" I shot back with a knowing smile.

"Me! Of course- I mean, dream of whoever- I mean, whatever you want to." Mitch answered with a grin, but not before I saw the red color rise on his cheeks. "Sorry, that kind of popped out- you don't have to dream of me-"

I silenced his rambling with a loud laugh. "Okay, okay." We laughed lightly together, our eyes drifting to lock with each other's. Mitch was smiling. My heartbeat quickened as he slowly leaned forward. Wait, what is he doing? What am I doing?

I sat frozen as Mitch scooted in so his face so that our faces were only a few inches apart. Suddenly I felt myself leaning in, and the only thing I could hear was out breathing and my heart thumping and the only thing I could see was his face and the only thing I could think of was him- his lips...

"Hey, are you in here?"

Me and Mitch practically snapped our heads away and shoved each other off the bench as the intruder of our private moment entered. I let out a loud OOF as I hit the floor.

Rachel was at the doorway- hair in a newly done ponytail and a fresh layer of lip gloss on her lips, with her arms crossed and a suspicious look on her face she noticed me and her eyes widened. "Mitch, WHAT WERE YOU DOING???"

Cliffhanger! The freakin Mirstie feels I had while writing this! Thanks for reading, please review and vote, and stay hyped for the new PTX album that will be coming #soon!!! 👱🏻👦🏽👨🏾👩🏼👦🏻

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